Friday, April 30, 2010


Effective/fun workouts have always been a popular concept... I think they always will. There'll always be a new video/formula/exercise that gets you super fit. I've attempted some of these myself... 300 workout, sparticus, etc. etc. Remember Tae Bo? Hip Hop Abs? Pole Dancing as a work out? p-90X is really popular now. SO MANY. Freakin' Jane Fonda is still at it. How old is she... 70's? and she has a NEW work out dvd wtf?

She looks like she's suffering -_-. How many breaks did they have to take cause she might have stroked out?

And WHY is Beethoven behind her reading a newspaper?

Originally, I was going to do this entry on belly dancing cause I was watching FitTv and it's ridiculous... maybe I'll come to it later. But last night I discovered something so much better...

SHAKE WEIGHT FOR MEN. Please watch the video. It's hilarious with all the grunting and shaking.... HAHA and if you don't see the masturbation entendre (can i use that word there?) well, it's there.

HAHAH @ 10/15 seconds: "GRRRRR! Whew! That's it."

"The faster you shake, the more intense and challenging your work out."


After seeing it I spent the rest of the night out imitating it cause it was so captivating.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Crazy week. Procrastinated a huge project but I got through it... I think. We'll see how the results show up.

So it was my birthday weekend last week. Woohoo turned 24. I wasn't going to do anything cause I usually don't, but some of my friend Alan decided to throw a party for me. It was supposed to be a surprise... but the progression into the night was note worthy -

So going to dinner:

Alan: So hey, it's your birthday!
Me: Oh yeah! lol
Alan: So - I'm having people over at my place... wanna come over? We're gonna make pina coladas and stuff @ around 9?
Me: Eh... I don't know I'm busy...maybe I'll come out later?
Alan: ...ok.

At dinner:

Alan: So hey. Y'know that thing I'm having at my place? That was supposed to be a surprise. For you. You should come.
Me: Ah. K.

Going to party:

Adam: I can't go crazy.
Me: No way dude, it's going to be mild, chill, how bad can pina coladas get?
Adam: Word.

So just a few of us got there - it was real good times and then my friend, Kwon decided to pull a fast one on me and whipped out this nasty bottle of vodka.

This will hurt you.

After - we decided to go to a bar and on entering we realized... hey! It's mom's weekend! It's basically a weekend everyone's mom comes down and goes to bars with their kids -_-.

So we're hanging out - music playing we're just dancing around and I make eye contact with this dude with his friends and moms and he comes up to me all "What! What! Show me what you got! Show me what you got!" One of those encounters and then after he watched me for a little it became :

ty Jessica for the lovely pic

Wtf? So weird - but THEN I hear "YEAH! DANCE UP ON HIS MOM!" from my corner. And he's still going "YEAH! DANCE UP ON MY MOM! HEY, MOM!"

lol. So much of my 24th was spent with a circle of mothers and their children watching me in a bar. Happy Bday!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Reponse to Rudeness is Rage

First thing I noticed over the past week - if the U.S. Census Bureau does not seem to think you are filling out the census they will spam mail you. Not like put it in your spam box and delete spam mail you - they will physically spam mail you.

I'm holding like 10+ Census things in my hand of all different sizes. 3 people live in my apartment. ha

Anyway -

Frankly, I think customer service reps and I weren't meant to get along. I don't understand why. I'm very polite and patient on the phone. No joke. Sometimes I'll crack a joke here and there - being a telephone service rep has got to suck and I totally understand so I try to be a good customer... but taking it out on someone else who calls is NOT going to make your day better, especially if it's me.

Long story short - a friend of mine came down for the weekend to hang out but I wanted to do an errand for my church so I left him to his own devices at my apartment. After I had returned, we went out to eat, got drinks, went home, passed out, and he left town. I wake up - go onto my computer - and I have a computer virus. Now this friend had the same virus last week on HIS computer...and now it's on mine.... I know correlation doesn't mean causation but just sayin'.

So - after being on the phone with him I was told to download all these programs to fix my junk. They failed. So then I bought this program that was supposed to help me fix my registry. While this was scanning my computer, I figured I'd call someone I knew who was good with computers. I left a voicemail that day - and still have not received a reply. I think that's rude, BUT W/E GUESS I DON'T KNOW EM LIKE THAT.

FINALLY, FINALLY my computer begins to breathe some sort of life no thanks to the program I purchased - and the website said "IF CUSTOMER IS NOT SATISFIED WITH RESULTS THEY MAY RETURN THEIR KEY FOR A REFUND." YOU CAN'T GET MORE ANY CLEAR WITH THAT RIGHT?

And here is my customer service call:

*ring ring gay menu press 1, 4, 1, 3, wait 10 minutes

Charlotte: Hello, this is Charlotte speaking. Can I help you?

-Immediately I detect our friend Charlotte is not happy. So I decided to be nice.-

Me: Hi! I recently purchased your product - actually today, and it didn't work out the way it said it would - I would like to cancel my order.
Charlotte: What's your order ID?
Me: [Order ID]
Charlotte: Mr. Chew?
Me: Yes.

-I really think that when non-Asian people read 3 letter last names, they must add some sort of twist or special rules to the letters i.e. 'o' in my name is actually prounounced 'ew' or 'ow' or 'banana' -

Charlotte: Why do you want to return this?
Me: The program didn't help me out the way I needed so I want to return it.
Charlotte: You can't do that.
Me: Why not?
Charlotte: Because you bought it.
Me: Oh - well that's why I'm returning it, haha.
Charlotte: No.
Me: ....[waiting for more than that]
Charlotte: Is there anythin more I ca-
Me: Wait, wait. I'm reading it here on the website about the return policy - I'm supposed to be able to return this.
Charlotte: Just cause it's there doesn't mean you're right.
Me: How is that so? It shouldn't be up there then.
Charlotte: You're ignorant.

-WHOA. wtf. I don't understand WHERE that came from. When I'm in these situations I swear but when I'm pushed further I skip the swearing I just wanna say something mean....So I did. -

Me: Go die in a fire cause apparently you're not good for anything else.

- and then I hung up -

Aftermath: I RAGED at my computer for being sooooooooooooooooooo virus-y. I sent a cold and straightforward to their support address saying I wanted my refund or else I'm disputing the charge with my cc's bank. No response. Rude.

Monday, April 05, 2010

Hello, Random Girl

Some random:

Is it me or does everyone who wants to be taller always wants 1.5 to 2 inches in height? Enough to make a difference, but a modest amount. There's a pretty hot girl in one of my classes and she always smiles at me when we make eye contact, but I help but think if it's not friendly flirting but her feeling superior since she's a TADBIT taller. If latter: kick her in the knee cap.

Everyone is wearing horn rimmed something nowadays, whether it be glasses or sunglasses. Even the 3D glasses are kind of like that. I saw a girl wearing them with the 3D plastic part popped out, so she just had the plastic frame on. Wtf. She had this tattoo of stars on her arm but the tiny little stars looked like tiny bugs on her arm from far away. I wanted to tell her but that could be upsetting.

This picture is funny:

The spam comments are kind of getting out of control. Lots of porn and random gaming websites and gaming porn hybrid sites are spamming me. Gaming + porn. Making porn interactive - that's kind of sickly genius. I don't know how to stop it.

I have to go to a computer lab to print my stuff. I've made it a habit to check my blog for comments while on the computer or to just review blogs to see if I like something or not. As I was slowly scrolling past the picture of the volleyball player's ass tightly wrapped in a sad excuse for spandex shorts, a girl tapped my shoulder:

Girl: Hey.
Me: *Turn (FCK! She probably thinks I'm some sort of pervert) Hi.
Girl: You read this blog?
Me: (W/e I'll never see her again) Yeah...
Girl: I've read it too!
Me: ( :D ) Yeah it's pretty funny.
Girl: It's alright.
Me: (Wtf.)
Girl: My friend's friend showed it to me - it's just kinda funny he knows sucha weird guy.
Me: (Fck you, talking to a stranger about a blog. YOU'RE THE WEIRDO) Hahaha, I guess - he's just being honest y'know?
Girl: Meh. He could write about something else.
Me: (wtf well I don't want YOU to read it) I mean.... w/e.
Girl: huh?
Me: Print. *I get up to go print and walk past her. [Lol I said 'print' to dismiss myself)


But at the same time I was glad - people are actually reading my stuff and I know you can't please everyone so...

Note to girl: Walking away from you was rude, and I saw the face you made at me, it was an ugly face. I intended it to be so cause I didn't sleep and you put me in a bad mood. So I apologize, but the half-ass type of apology where I tell you I'm sorry you can have your own opinion but then I go to my friends and justify myself cause you made me mad. HAVE A GOOD DAY