Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Geeks part 1: Geek Lovers

It's been a hectic week - I haven't had much motivation to post cause it was actually kind of depressing. A couple of people I've known died... won't get into details cause that'll totally kill my mood and the blog's mood. Patrick Swayze died too. I did my dirty dance in his memory.

What I've been wanting to post about is this influx of geek lovers and of course about geeks. And I'm not talking about people that just love nerds. But those hot actresses (No one in particular I'll keep it generic) that interview for w/e magazine and what not after they play some sort of comic book hero and usually their interview goes something like:

Macksim: So how do you feel about the majority of your fan base from the movie being hardcore comic book fans and in a sense - geeks?
Migan Phocks: Omg, I LOVE geeks. Something about them is hot. I grew up as a comic book fan so I totally love them.




Hotness, you're telling me you love pasty skinned skinny men who go to Anime conventions dressed up as Naruto? Or the geeks who run around with the foam weapons and armor and go medieval on each other? (I really wanna try it though lol) Please. That's just like this scenario flying:

Geek: Hey girl, how are ya?
Hotness: Um, hello...
Geek: I just wanted to mention that my World of Warcraft character is lvl 80 and fully epic equipped.
Hotness: Omg, that's so hot.
Geek: I'm also the leader of my guild and handle all nightly 5 hr dungeon raids.
Hotness: That's so sexy - are you gonna buy me a drink or what?
Geek: Did I mention I'm a (whisper in ear) druuuuidddd~
Hotness: Oh~ I'm so hot for you~
Geek: Do you want me to channel my upgraded Tranquility or should I just cast Wildgrowth rank 3 and we get out of here?

Never happen.
And for visual sake here is a druid:

And here is a girl that does not exist:

And if I am wrong, please tell me where these women are. Sigh - I too am guilty of playing various computer games (WoW, Dota, etc.etc.) But hey - I did learn something about geek gamers - which I'll leave to part II of this cause I'm lazy. =D


illest said...

hmmm this post seems to be a reflection of some deeply seeded issues of a certain someone's past...

Tek said...

that girl is HOT.

Particulars said...


Anonymous said...


Peter Jeong said...

Dude, bitches are totally impressed by my sf4 skills

dive,, s.fp, ex-messiah, fadc, ULTRA


panties fly off

steve bang said...

i actually have yet to meet a geek lover...or even hear from then on interviews