Monday, November 29, 2010

The Monday After

The strange thing about going into this past holiday was that I had placed my excitement not in the actual holiday, but rather in the Monday of the abridged week. I suppose the looking FORWARD to the holiday was more comforting than actually seeing it go by. Some things to update on during the thankful festivities:

1. My family reads my blog. At least a few do. Which is nice to know but...following my last post the topic of discussion was, "Did you really poop your pants?" It's hard to stand dignified at that point. Nonetheless, I stood my ground and with shoulders back, head cocked and eyes ablaze (Indeed, they were blazed. Blazen? Blazing. Now it sounds like a drug habit.) I responded with what pride and dignity I could muster, "Yes. I DID poop my pants." And then I put my arm around my girlfriend who was visiting my family for the holiday. A proud moment for the both of us. (A side note - there was some skepticism regarding the details of my homeless rescuer. I challenge you NOT to find my substance abusing toilet paper provider.)

2. I am no longer a "cool, young" relative as my cousin's 5 year old son (so what does that make him? Just cousin?) pays no mind to me but has eyes of adoration for the cousin who is now in high school. In actuality, there are times when he responds to me very defensively - the type of response you learn from the DARE officers when approached by a sex offender. For instance, I had approached him to give him a hug and he so very curtly put both his hands up palms facing me, closed his eyes and turned his head. "PLEASE. I do not appreciate you touching me." NO means NO as some would say. Granted I do not spend enough time to know or have a relationship with the child in which he would remember my name or face but even made me sad.

3. Did NOT get ridiculously inebriated this time around. In fact, I did everything I could NOT to. Last year, due a certain amount of pride, I had left out the fact that I puked my face off after returning home from my festively thankful holiday event. This year, I was careful to:

a. Stay away from hard liquor.
b. Not to mix my drinks. THIS WAS KEY!

I believe last year's power vomit was fueled from a few cans of sake that my cousin's husband had graciously fed to me. That and beer and mixed drink and bourbon.

I stuck to beer. However, post thankful feasting I had acquired quite a migraine. I began to panic and went over what I liquids I had consumed. And of course there were silly thoughts such as: Does the mixing of organic and non-organic beer cause a poor reaction in the body!? Or perhaps was it the mixing of ales from different seasons!?

All but a minor speed bump as I made it through the night with my stomach in tact.

The rest of the holiday weekend was spent taking my girlfriend to various places in NYC and around my neighborhood in which we enjoyed each other's company. And now... it is the Monday after. This Monday is particularly hard due to the fact that because the weekend was prolonged, I was simply just getting used to not doing work. The regular weekend comes and goes far too quickly for this kind of effect to take place. Like a girl who takes me for a one night stand and disappears into the night while I slumber... was she ever really there? Where do you go, my weekend? Where do you go? I want to know.

Furthermore, I just found out that I am to work on New Year's Eve. Wonderful.

I'm considering moving my blog to a different site that offers more...OPTIONS. Basically, I'm beginning to tire of deleting the unrelenting chinese porn site and penis enhancement comment spam on my blog. More on that later.



Alan said...

really? no pictures with this post?

Unknown said...

But I thought you liked the chinese porn comments

Anonymous said...

Owned by a 5 year old! :)