Is it me or does everyone who wants to be taller always wants 1.5 to 2 inches in height? Enough to make a difference, but a modest amount. There's a pretty hot girl in one of my classes and she always smiles at me when we make eye contact, but I help but think if it's not friendly flirting but her feeling superior since she's a TADBIT taller. If latter: kick her in the knee cap.
Everyone is wearing horn rimmed something nowadays, whether it be glasses or sunglasses. Even the 3D glasses are kind of like that. I saw a girl wearing them with the 3D plastic part popped out, so she just had the plastic frame on. Wtf. She had this tattoo of stars on her arm but the tiny little stars looked like tiny bugs on her arm from far away. I wanted to tell her but that could be upsetting.
This picture is funny:

The spam comments are kind of getting out of control. Lots of porn and random gaming websites and gaming porn hybrid sites are spamming me. Gaming + porn. Making porn interactive - that's kind of sickly genius. I don't know how to stop it.
I have to go to a computer lab to print my stuff. I've made it a habit to check my blog for comments while on the computer or to just review blogs to see if I like something or not. As I was slowly scrolling past the picture of the volleyball player's ass tightly wrapped in a sad excuse for spandex shorts, a girl tapped my shoulder:
Girl: Hey.
Me: *Turn (FCK! She probably thinks I'm some sort of pervert) Hi.
Girl: You read this blog?
Me: (W/e I'll never see her again) Yeah...
Girl: I've read it too!
Me: ( :D ) Yeah it's pretty funny.
Girl: It's alright.
Me: (Wtf.)
Girl: My friend's friend showed it to me - it's just kinda funny he knows sucha weird guy.
Me: (Fck you, talking to a stranger about a blog. YOU'RE THE WEIRDO) Hahaha, I guess - he's just being honest y'know?
Girl: Meh. He could write about something else.
Me: (wtf well I don't want YOU to read it) I mean.... w/e.
Girl: huh?
Me: Print. *I get up to go print and walk past her. [Lol I said 'print' to dismiss myself)
But at the same time I was glad - people are actually reading my stuff and I know you can't please everyone so...
Note to girl: Walking away from you was rude, and I saw the face you made at me, it was an ugly face. I intended it to be so cause I didn't sleep and you put me in a bad mood. So I apologize, but the half-ass type of apology where I tell you I'm sorry you can have your own opinion but then I go to my friends and justify myself cause you made me mad. HAVE A GOOD DAY
That was indeed a very random post. It must be genetic, this randomness :)
$1 shovels sound pretty nice
hey didn't i show you that??
shouldn't you credit me?!?!?
like with the transformers costume link?!
and your hater ROCKS. <3 her.
BAHAHA. nice.
1$ shovels LOL
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