So it was my birthday weekend last week. Woohoo turned 24. I wasn't going to do anything cause I usually don't, but some of my friend Alan decided to throw a party for me. It was supposed to be a surprise... but the progression into the night was note worthy -
So going to dinner:
Alan: So hey, it's your birthday!
Me: Oh yeah! lol
Alan: So - I'm having people over at my place... wanna come over? We're gonna make pina coladas and stuff @ around 9?
Me: Eh... I don't know I'm busy...maybe I'll come out later?
Alan: ...ok.
At dinner:
Alan: So hey. Y'know that thing I'm having at my place? That was supposed to be a surprise. For you. You should come.
Me: Ah. K.
Going to party:
Adam: I can't go crazy.
Me: No way dude, it's going to be mild, chill, how bad can pina coladas get?
Adam: Word.
So just a few of us got there - it was real good times and then my friend, Kwon decided to pull a fast one on me and whipped out this nasty bottle of vodka.

This will hurt you.
After - we decided to go to a bar and on entering we realized... hey! It's mom's weekend! It's basically a weekend everyone's mom comes down and goes to bars with their kids -_-.
So we're hanging out - music playing we're just dancing around and I make eye contact with this dude with his friends and moms and he comes up to me all "What! What! Show me what you got! Show me what you got!" One of those encounters and then after he watched me for a little it became :

ty Jessica for the lovely pic
Wtf? So weird - but THEN I hear "YEAH! DANCE UP ON HIS MOM!" from my corner. And he's still going "YEAH! DANCE UP ON MY MOM! HEY, MOM!"
lol. So much of my 24th was spent with a circle of mothers and their children watching me in a bar. Happy Bday!
jesus christ you became ugly
AWWW YEA DANCIN WITH THE MOMS! I swear you have the most random life ever.
that is so weird.
just the way you like it...
you should have called your mom and thanked her for giving you life. -5.
last year, i caught one of my friend making out with a mom. it was kinda weird but not too weird cuz she was actually kinda hot. cougar alert!! she wasn't married so s'all good i guess.
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