Anyhoo - first thing's first.
I wrote about my experience @ the airport - but then ON the plane... My seatmate was totally trashed outta his mind, it was pretty ridiculous. When drink's were offered he ordered a gin and tonic and then began to talk to me about iPods. He said:
"So my iPod...I can shake it like this *shake shake* and it'll shuffle the song. See? *shake shake* Wait, wtf... it's not shuffling." *shake shake* wtf? *shake shake shake shake shake shake shake THROW* And he THREW it down on the ground. And I looked at him and he looked at me and smiled and said, "Heh I bet it shuffled then." lol
After that he passed out... on my shoulder. I had window seat and I was leaning AWAY from him on the window and he was all over me...big burly 200 pound drunk guy. Cute.
I've been prompted with this a lot nowadays cause I really wanna do some sort of video blog.... but what do you think is a formula for a hit series youtube account? Kevjumba is apparently the #1 most subscribed Youtuber.... even Jessica Alba responds to his videos.... but I honestly don't think he's that funny! And there's this guy "Fred"... he gets millions of view per video and his stuff is absolute garbage. Like, I get angry thinking about the people who enjoy his stuff and think that they are the reason this world is going into the gutter... seriously that bad. Every episode deserves to be hated on - such garbage i hate him.
But one girl... Michelle Phan has found this formula to get tons of hits. What she does is teaches different make up things. I mean it's clever - and she's successful. But there was one episode that I came across... it has earned its place on THE WORST.
Basically this video is to learn how to do make up and dress up like "Sailor Moon".

I have a couple notes for you to read as you watch... you can skip the whole make up thing and go to the end.
(Lol someone commented: "I will never look at the moon ever again cause of you." lolol)
So skipping to 7:40...
7:40 - Finished product... she doesn't look remotely like sailor moon. She looks like a prostitute.
7:52 - Talking about Luna? "SO CUTE!" and then she goes into talking about her monkey... from family guy wtf.
8:13 - "HER MESSAGE BEGINS" OMG listen to this pile of crap.
8:18 - lolol good camera man... zooms in to cover her butt. the wind blows her skirt up as she posing lololol
8:22 - Make up is similar to a superhero costume wtf? No duh you feel more confident your face looks totally different.
8:30 - It's your "alter-ego" (caption says POWER)
8:38 - Every girl has a sailor moon in her with dreams blah blah blah held back blah blah blah 'waiting for someone to accept you for who you are' so put on your fake face. Make yourself look like a whore, boys will like you.
Ugh I thought i could do it but the rest is too cheesy to write about. I agree. I will never look at the moon the same. Cut the self help stick with make up toots.
dude i can't believe that kevjumba guy gets so many hits. proof that this world is going down the tube.
hey. I actually like kevjumba. he was better when he wasn't that famous tho. if u do a video blog it would be 5 min of u talking shiz about this and that. i get enough of that with u already anyways, so don't do it. =) much love douggy
she used to do that on xanga, ricebunny or smth...
xanga would always recommend going to her site, as if it's saying "you need to learn a thing or two!" >:[
4. and it's all for the airplane part.
My goodness, you have the worst luck in seatmates!!
Why do you waste time watching junk like that Sailor Moon nonsense?! Why would anyone want to look like a human version of Sailor Moon unless they're going to some crazy tranny party?
dude, why you gotta hate man?
btw, is your number still the same?
you're too ugly to do a video blog
i thought about doing a video blog too...
but what the heck... i think this indian girl is taking a picture of me on her phone... uh what thefreak.
Ew...she's scary. Anyway, Merry Christmas Doug!
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