But geez traffic was insane I definitely feel that east coast drivers are much angrier than midwest ones. So we're driving and this lady's trying to get in but my dad's not letting her and she's in the way of this other lady so everyone's mouthing curse at each other (well pop's was screaming em and they probably were too but they can't hear) and I thought to myself "Man, people gotta calm down it's the holidays."
I made eye contact with the raging fat lady in the Ford focus trying to get in (it's kinda weird every time I try to recall how an angry fat white lady looks I just imagine Rosie O'Donnell lol) and I give her a curt smile and a short wave (I am sitting shotgun). I definitely feel this sign is very powerful. I'm going to elaborate on this move in the future... it's pretty interesting. Fat lady did the arms up in the air and head back "UGH... sigh" type of thing. She stopped having a tantrum and we went on our way and everyone is kinda sorta happy.
So in short... use the wave. It's the holidays man.

1 comment:
i wouldve gotten out of the car and punched you in your fat ugly mug if you waved at me
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