Straight to business.
My school uses a method of keeping attendance and participation in large classrooms via a mechanism called an iClicker.

This stupid thing is definitely not Apple affiliated - I have no idea why it's 'iClicker'. The dreaded things are 30$!!!!!! And VERY elusive...I've lost a couple =T Don't yell at me, Patty.
So basically you register your school ID to it and when you click in Answers (A-E) it registers that to this receiver the teacher has. SO - you can imagine during a Powerpoint the teacher posts up a question and people are busy clicking away while a timer counts down (usually 30 seconds). When this timer is finished your answer will no longer register. When it registers you get a green light, when it doesn't you get a red.
You can change your answer all you like - the last answer you put in is the one that will count.
SO! In my insurance class the teacher uses this method HEAVILY. I must admit that I'm not the best at these questions and it's a very common thing for people to look at other people and see what they're clicking. I mean c'mon - it doesn't hurt anyone it's just for participation points.
WELL, there's this one Chinese girl in my class (she's a fob and speaks obnoxiously loud) who seemed very confident about her answers so I had decided to take a peek at what she was clicking ( I was sitting directly behind her). I don't want to be shady so I'm pretty obvious about the fact that I'm looking.
So this particular question is multiple choice A-E. I was able to eliminate it to either A or B, so if I saw her click in anything else I would dismiss her and move on.
She clicked B. So naturally I thought "Sweet! B!" And clicked B. She then proceeded to click B once again with about 10 seconds left to go... fine. The count down is about to end.
5... Huh? She's still holding her clicker..
3... She pressed B again K... (I did too just in case)
0!!!!!!! I tried to press A but my answer didn't register (I got the red light)
In total shock I look at her and she turns around and gives me this ugly UGLY UGLY "Heh." Kind of look. So smug - like really? So I sat back in my chair all discontented and angry as our teacher went over why the answer was the answer. WHO DOES THAT?!
And then she began to blabber all high pitched and frilly to her friend in Chinese like wtf? kind of deal.
So, I slowly leaned forward near her head , smiled courteously and said....

i almost LOLed during horticulture... and uhh you are supposed to be here by the way. you're missing out on some asexual reproduction.
You are so weird!!
dislike. -1.
HAHAHA i love it.
you guys are both messed up = P
hahahahahaha you would dougie! only you.
i think pwned would have worked better in this instance
wouldve been a better "pwn" if you just raped her
I wonder if she understood that... = /
Haha! :)
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