So - I was on my way home from studying at around 3am getting dropped off by my friend Clarisa. She stopped in front of my building to drop me off and then we see this little dog just SKITTER across. It wasn't fast like a roach - but I used skittered cause it was so weak that's what it looked like it was doing (and mind you it was COLD and RAINY).
After a little bit of coaxing the dog and convincing ourselves it is our duty to take this dog in....we take it into my place - dry him off and realize he smells like asshole. I also did not know this would consume 6 hrs from thence
For lack of a better word cause he really smelled like asshole. So I decided to shampoo him a lil bit - and I know shampoo is bad for dogs for some reason but he really did smell like the butthole of a cow/horse.
Even then his smell lingered and he was still shivering so we wrapped him in some dry towels and I tried to feed him a hot dog.
Bad idea.
He threw up the hotdog and omg it smelled even worse and he just kept puking a lil bit by bit. SO next best thing - I fed him Honey Nut Cheerios lol. The reasoning that it's KIND of like dog food... And he ate it like a BEAST - literally like 3 bowls.
Here is post feeding:
I tried to lock him in my bathroom so I could get some work done but he would not let this be a half assed save - this was a full time job. (Hence he was given the name 'Prince Baby' cause when left alone he cried - he needed to be pampered ALL NIGHT.)
As you can see :
Lovin' the attention
Prince Baby did not know how to do anything like sit, shake, stay, roll, or play with a ball - but he was extremely loyal. I think he recognized that his life was saved that night cause when we took him out for a walk (TWICE) to poo he followed us around no problem without a leash. I was so convinced he would poop after eating all those cheerios... I mean that's so much fiber. But nothing! I took him to shrub after shrub and then to a lamp post and then a fire hydrant....no poop. This gave me some dissatisfaction the first time - I almost felt constipated - so we tried again but no poop. Whenever I would walk from spot to spot he would frolic in between my legs...so cute!
I was scared he was sick I wouldn't have been able to take good care of him so I sent him to the Humane Society. I no longer have Prince Baby and I really do miss him... But I got some good videos!
Here is the Prince snoozing. He would only sleep when we were with him....
Here's me trying to teach the Prince how to dance in my bathroom:
Honestly - I've never seen a dog with its kahones before - they're always neutered!

(Bob Barker reference...)
and I thought it was hilarious.
Balls. lolol
that dog has a bigger penis than you
"frolic in between my legs"
what a horrible choice of words.
5 - only because there's a cute dog in it. only 5 because your face is in it. :P
doug. i think you really really need a dog now.
You should've kept the dog...I would've taken care of him because I'm lonely and I would like a pet. = /
aw I wish i could've seen him!
that dance you made for him was pretty ugly btw =P
"dance for me..." lol
man you should have kept him i would have brought z along so he has another friend
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