I went to visit a college friend in Forest Hills (right offa Queens Blvd). I've definitely forgotten how driving in NYC is.
Traffic was "clear" until a huge tour bus decided to get stuck. My mom's EZ pass for the bridge toll didn't work so I had to wait for an officer to come open it up for me...SO BAD. So many people shaking their head at me flipping me off and honking :( I'm not cut out for that kind of driving. Driving through Chicago even in rush hour does not compare. It's funny - it's like a different culture of road etiquette.
God willing I got there in one piece - we ate and went to see GI Joe.
Now, I knew what I was going to see that movie for. Fighting, guns, girls. Maybe girls with guns fighting (yes!)? And yeah for an action movie it was good, obviously it's not going to get high ratings (it was like 4-6 out of 10...I'm no critic) BUT WHAT MADE THE MOVIE A 10...
MY MAN FROM ALL IN (Korean drama)

Heon (sp)
He came out and was lookin' good in his ninja outfit slicing people up and then his mouth opened... and of course I held my breathe cause English with Korean accent is SO BAAAAAAAAAAAAD. Ugh like when Bi(Rain) was on MTV. I just wanted him to shuttup and die or keep dancing when he was talking. But it wasn't broke at all! Was definitely proud to see him in there - not everyone shares the same pride I do when I see a Korean entering into the mainstream movie arena... or any media for that matter - instead of being cooped up in dramas and romance movies that only Korean food markets distribute. It is most definitely a big deal! There's this random fight he just rips off his clothes and he's ripped. lol Ok no homo so I won't post a pic.
Afterwards we decided to drive into Manhattan to get the famous Halal Chicken and Rice.

If you don't know this is just one of those tin can food stands that's open on the street corner.... that rakes in the owner an estimated million + a year. Seriously! There was an identical food stand, same exact type of food and format about 300 feet away - and not a soul was waiting in line. I've heard legends of these hour long waits for this food rain or shine and in freezing cold. Even at 130am the wait was 30 minutes with a line down the block and that was before the wave of clubbers coming out from being hungry. It was good. Of course my stomach was BUMPIN morning after but I have to admit the sauce is mysteriously amazing. Definitely sprinkling some crack in there.
After that I got lost on the way home but again - God willing I got home somehow... haha.
I'm going home in a couple of days so I'll update again there about some interesting things I've been seeing online =D.
you haven't forgotten how nyc driving is because you've never driven in nyc
Ah NYC driving. I have serious road rage whenever I drive anywhere in the tri-state area. People are so aggressive and rude!!
Where is Duet?
Crazy thing is sienna miller stated Lee Hyun was hot and constantly wanted him to take off his shirt in the scenes...
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