So it was 3 hours to the retreat, 3 hours back, 4 hour bus ride, 2 hour airport wait, 30 min delay, 2.5 hour flight, 30 min drive home. A lot of time... so I've been tired.
I have to say my flights are always interesting. I always hope that one day I'll sit next to a really pretty girl and we'll have a deep, engaging conversation and then after we land we end up going to the same place... but for some reason I always get people who are most definitely 30 years my senior? I should start sitting in the back of the plane... On this particular flight, I was given seat 10E which was sandwiched between a man and a woman. The woman I would say was maybe 50-55, single (no wedding ring), and was involved with some Chicago health insurance group (I was secretly reading her paper work). She was pretty stiff - kinda the stereotypical old, single business woman.
The man to my right was 60-70, smelled like 2 day old after shave, but he was one of those smart guys that didn't care about accessories or whatever cause I was eavesdropping on a conversation he was having about some sort of *-onics or *-optics. Y'know like tectonics or fiberoptics or whatever. So (something complicated)-onics or optics.
So we're sitting there maybe halfway through the flight and I'm just dozing with my ipod on. Woman to my left is reading, man to my right is sleeping. And as I was peering from the man to the woman this smell assaulted my nose. I say assaulted cause it wasn't that type of smell where you get a whiff and then the strong smell comes in... it was just this blitzkrieg of old vinegar and onions, mixed with pig fat... what I believe to be... fart. I don't get how it just exploded inside of my nostrils - usually that kind of thick, pungent smell SEEPS in y'know? There was no warning! It was like napalm style!

^ Inside my nose
When you smell something bad you usually try to snort it out right?! But the stench was...STUCK to my nose smell sensing whatever things! I was in complete shock and as I was turning and I look at the woman she's looking at me like this:

And we had one of those psychic conversations -
Her: What....*cough* may I ask you... came out of your ass?
Me: It wasn't my ass! I mean it wasn't me!
Her: Right. I am now ignoring you, you dirty, smelly asian boy. *Ignore
Me: UGH~ *bitter shame, despair, and face in palm
I guess it's a good thing it wasn't that girl of my dreams... but that old man definitely passed that bomb - I know it.
But yeah that was it for this flight - hopefully I won't have to handle that sort of situation in the future. Sigh.
And just some food for thought:
Someone was robbing a bank and was getting away so one of the bank tellers jumped out and chased him two blocks, beat the crap outta him and got the money back.
And then the bank fired him cause it was against policy. Something about that just sounds wrong. I kinda wish the world had more comicbook-esque heroes who would do those types of things... not just sit around cause "it's against policy". These people getting fired happens a lot actually.
Lol but a thief tried to pick pocket two Korean men in Italy and the men chased him down and proceeded to beat him up. The thief actually thanked the officer for arresting him =P. I'm too lazy to link the stories they're somewher in Yahoo! news.
For now I'm home, I'll try to blog soon but the house is hot so I get lazy =D.
Your room is always really warm. I wonder if it's because it faces the front? It's quite cozy and nice in the winter while reading a good book and drinking hot chocolate. Then again my room has it the worst - it's cold in the winter and it's hot in the summer b/c the air conditioning vents are in the wrong places.
I just realized I didn't really respond to your post. It was quite funny. What is the stereotype of a single, older business woman as opposed to married, older business woman or other permutations?
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