It was probably yesterday, but I'm going to pretend I don't remember what day of the week it was. It was really muggy outside. Wtf is muggy? Like I know when to use the word cause I've heard my parents say it for the longest time but if someone were ask me to define is muggy? Anyway. The sky was really grey. Not the ominous cool kind of grey...
Grey. Like X-men Jean... Where you think a storm is gonna happen and lightning flashes int he sky and it's like OoOOo. It was a boring ass gray (Like crayola crayon gray) and it was muggy. SO. Muggy, gray and light showers. Emo Day.
And I sadly let myself fall into this emo-NESS. Yes emphasis on NESS. This NESS of emo. Emo NESS. And you know it's kind of like a chain reaction. Especially for someone like me thoughts like "Man, wth, all I did today was watch Korean tv." Do not hate on me watching Hyori play games and tell jokes all day is awesome. Or - "I should work out, but I haven't showered in 2 days...if I work out I need to work out first and THEN shower...but I really wanna shower...but I promised myself I'd work out. Yeah. Fck it I'm showering." As my friend called it - "Fat Person's mentality."
Of course the thoughts of what am I doing with my life and other petty things dawned on me. So the thought was - What do people do to get out of this NESS of emo? This Emo pit we dig ourselves into?
It's interesting how people differ - I've asked around. One girl shops. And I quote:
"When I'm feeling down, I just have to get out there and spend some money." Lol I guess that would make you feel better. Another was the standard eating, hanging out with people. My friend at home either "pwns people in Halo" or sulks in his anger like a little homo. This is actually very common a lot of people seem to enjoy to sulk. The emotional masochists inside of us.... You little biotch.
And another one was masturbate. Lol it was a girl.
K, it was a dude and it was funny but I thought about it. It's a legit emo NESS pick-me-up. I mean after the deed the hormones going through your body just give you that "I Don't give a crap about the world" mentality. I mean it IS to sate your body's lust for a woman. Post pick-me-up: Women don't matter. The wildest and hottest girl of your dreams can walk into your room in whatever fantasy that floats your boat and if it's post pick-me-up, "I'm sorry honey, rain-check tonight ;)". (I guess I should be more universal and include...y'know sex/preference...both?)But yeah, what need there was... was self-tended to. This remains true unless you're my friend Iljeen:
"masturbation does nothing now - its like a 30 second reprieve" lol.
HAHA I once knew a kid who put on women's lingerie (where he got this I do not wish to say but it was within the fam I believe) on his head while he did his...and he fell asleep mid pick-me-up. And when he woke up the panties were gone and his mom was home and she called him in for dinner like nothing happened. ROFL I don't think masturbation does much for him either =P.

....But back to a more PG pick up. One that I find myself doing a lot actually. I watch the end of Ratatouille. I mean the movie as a whole is great but the end is just like wtf this is awesome I feel good about myself now. It's not just me, it's just really self-esteem boosting for some reason.
I realize the clip is a little shorter than what I'd like to show - I like watching from the point Ego eats the food to the very end - but it was the very best clip I could find.
So yeah - until next time! Don't be an emo! Or don't get caught with panties on your head! :0
Douglas, Douglas - at first I was left speechless once again.
Some points:
1. I can't wait to see the movie UP (hoping to see it Friday or Saturday). The boy hero is modeled after a Korean-American employee at Pixar - Peter Sohn. Sohn was also the voice of Emile in Ratatouille!!!
Have you seen UP? I think you will really like it.
2. If you're feeling emo, then drag yourself outside and run. For me, this is the best remedy. When I am stuck stewing at home b/c of work or laziness, the fresh air helps a great deal.
3. Next week you will be in Cali!! Let me know what you want to do and I will try to summon the energy to do it. I already bought us tickets to the Great American Food and Music Festival for Saturday.
Doug! Watch this.
when im emo, I just smash Errol in Street Fighter...makes me feel superior
drink more gatorade
im not sure if i told you this, but once this kid came over and said he was hungry. so then kyle offered him porn because if you are horny, you are apparently less hungry. masturbation may also be a good way to subdue hunger as well as emoness.
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