So I've been stuck on this idea on how height is one of the most important things to have. Obviously, it's not everything but it's most DEFINITELY and UNDENIABLY something important. It's no mistake that the average height of fortune 500 company CEOs is 6 ft tall. Being tall makes having "presence" easier. Not to say that I don't have presence....I like to think I do. But when you see a skinny 5'8(and a half) asian guy vs a big tall 6 ft hunk of man in a suit walk into an interview, it's NOT FAIR GAME.
My friend and I always have the same conversation every now and then when we go out and we see a hot girl walk by and she happens to tower over us ( not that she's SUPER tall but with the heels...the damned high heels she TOWERS)
Me: Dude, she's hot.
Iljeen: Yeah man...should we go talk to her?
Me: Uh, i think she's taller than us?
Iljeen: Nah, not really...
Me: Dude - her head almost touches the top of the bar
Iljeen: So?
Me: We're like half way -__-;
Iljeen: Oh yeah....
And then we sit there and think and the same segway happens every time:
Me: Aren't we taller than the average? Where are all the people shorter than us?
Iljeen: Yeah man the average is like 5'6
Me: yeah...
(Group of asians (male) walk by us...of course they're all 5'10+)
Me: Wtf.
Iljeen: Wtf!
Me: They definitely ate different rice...
So I researched this so called average height of 5'6. I mean think about it in America: Of course there's huge basketball players but then there's the small peoples....I don't know the correct term for them. And then you have Mexicans/viets... who are all kinda short. Average height in US: 5'9ish. Ok, w/e I fall short here big deal.
I've got to be taller than the South Korean average...
Average height in SK: 5'8.7 GAY
And I know exactly why I am this way. My family genes are not particularly short. My sister is 5'6, my cousins are 6' ft. One of my FEMALE cousins is 5'10ish. Why did I get jipped?
And the answer:

Starcraft ruined my height. How did a game do this? Well, I and thousands (i know this for a fact)...THOUSANDS of other high school boys were staying up for many sleepless nights battling away on BATTLE.NET via 56K. Was there time to eat? Not during intergalatic war! No one would dare leave their online comrades for food. I knew one who was so loyal that he would pee in a bottle. Yes, it was valiant at the time. I need to stop thinking about it or reality will kick in.
And then we would all meet up after and talk about how awesome we were. Little did I know I was slowly killing myself for these people - or at least stunting my growth. We were depriving ourselves of sleep and food during our adolescence when we needed it the most. Sigh, if I could only have that back.
Shoulda thought twice about spending 7+ hrs a day fighting for Aiur. -_-
Oh dear.
FOR AUIR. it was d2 for me man but i drank alot of milk and shit too
You can get that leg-growth surgery if you have 숏다리; it's painful but you'll be a few inches taller.
And my mom thinks tall guys amount to nothing and insists I date only shorties... a lot of Korean parents like short guys. You're set. :D
i blame my midgit legs on society
False, I slept 12 hours a day and I'm only 5'5.
steve: maybe you would've been 5'2" if you hadn't gotten so much ZZZ
I know you're serious but this one is hilarious...
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