I'm not critic cause I really love movies for the entertainment value.... This is simply my take on a movie.
So we watched the 12 o'clock showing of 'Terminator Salvation'.
The company was good, seats were good, the actual seat that you sit in reclined (that's always a plus), the weather was nice. The movie was sub par. It was literally Batman, MI, Transformers mashed up into one movie. I mean - I always manage to have a great time in a movie whether it's good or horrendous. Only cause if it's really good, I'll watch intently like anyone else and...watch the movie. But if it's bad I'm pretty obnoxious because I take bad movie as a sign to do and make w/e noise I want.
And I must say...naked Arnold cameo - with his chiseled body from 1980's panned across the screen means you can laugh.
Some other things were... things like - "Wtf? That motorcycle had a USB port. (Conner plugs his little computer into it via USB cable) WHY does a killing computer piloted motorcycle have a USB port? And why is it Italian? ...Killer computer got taste." Which is funny cause all the humans were driving around really jacked up American cars (lots o Jeep Wranglers) and here killer computer is sending out killer Dukati's.
And you'll notice that Christian Bale really REALLY likes his Batman voice. Whenever the mood got serious and the conversation were to become intense, Batman came out. I mean it's really hard to take him seriously when he uses it w/o the mask. Then again...it's kind of hard to take him seriously when he's using his real voice too lol. The following is Bale flippin' out on set cause some camera guy walked onto set or something.
I think he shoulda yelled at him in Batman voice =P
The movie IS entertaining though, so can't really bash on it. Moon Bloodgood is a hottie in it too. She pulls off the whole "hottay that can kick ur ass" real well. My friend thought the pregnant chick in the movie was hot though.... Lol thought I'd throw that in there.
Since I'm talking about movies...A really REALLY GOOD movie was "Ip Man" <== Bruce Lee's master in real life!. It's a kung fu movie and I'd say the best. The fighting is straight up so no special effects but it's SO SICK. I figured I'd post a clip. So Japan occupied China. Basically, people go to fight for bags of rice cause the Japanese General likes watching martial arts, and Ip Man's friend lost fighting 3 people (for 3 bags) and got shot. Ip Man is like WTF! cause the shiny hair guy brought him and the Chinese people there "as a favor" and the Wing Chun ass kicking ensues. This scene alone isn't able to capture how good this movie is...but I just like watching fighting anyway lol.
On a side note from movies my Chinese friend and I were talking and he was asking me "Why do all Korean guys beat up their girlfriends? I've never met a Chinese guy that's done that." Talked about treating women and what not culturally and stereotypically, Chinese people respect them blah blah blah.
As a Korean I'd like to say this is untrue and .....
Ever hear the quote:
"Behind every (insert 'great' 'successful' etc.) man, there is a (insert) woman."
Well fortune cookie fortune representative for China says differently:

go watch joy luck club and try telling me chinese ppl treat women with respect
Chinese guys dont beat up their girlfriends? There was a video on Ebaumsworld, where a chinese guy beats the shit out of his girlfriend for using his computer then drops a chair on her face.
hahaha! oh man, bang got you good.
most awesome martial arts video. it was so ridiculous it was awesome.
ive always wanted to be the writer for the chinese cookie
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