Being a finance major you'd think the hardest i took would have something remotely to do with duration and convexity of bonds and hedging futures and what not. Nope.

It was on this crap. 150+ Small plants, shrubs, trees, grasses, weeds, insects.
Is that a weed? Is it grass? What kind of grass is it? When does this grass flower? Cool-season? Warm-season? EFF YOU FCKIN GRASS SD:GUFS:UDF*(WE&UI#JBKFUW*E)&UIJDF
Other than that finals was finals. It's funny, I think I've studied the most at libraries this semester than any in the past and it's interesting to see who you meet there. It was nice being in the whole "SH! This is a library!" environment but... dude there's people that don't know how to whisper. I had to practice whispering in kindergarten cause my class was based on criteria of things were you and weren't able to do by the end (tying shoes (Double rabbit ears), zippering jackets (I had trouble witht his one), opening umbrellas, skipping and yes pushing lessons from father) lol I sound like I went to an assisted learning school or something -_-
Y'know those people that make the "whispering voice" tone but the volume is just as loud? So when they talk it's even MORE annoying.... bastard girl in library.
And then there was the kid who had a butterfly knife and would randomly spin it around while he was reading. His nerdy lackey was effectively mesmerized by his "crazy knife skills". Wow, okay loser. "K let's go study. Hold on...forgot my book. Sec, let me get my butterfly knife while we're at it." I know I judge.
Other than that there hasn't been really anything awesome about this break... there WAS an incident at my friend's work place though... There was a panel covering piping in the ground and this girl who was on the heavy side.... way on the heavy side broke through the panel and needed to be rescued out...LOLOLOL
So instead - I will make a tribute to the man who got me through finals.
I dunno... there's something awesome about being able to be a rapper and not have to be all thug gangstuh. Mc Mong is all about it - he's freakin' hilarious!
boo~ that's the one song i always skip on my 108-tracks cd.
i bet you think will smith is awesome, too. -_-
mas MS Paint, por favor!
haha butterfly knife. i know that guy... having those study sessions were some good times.
i remember i got in trouble once for helping a classmate with his 'shoe tying exam' in kindergarten. -.- bad times.
hey! I was that girl! Don't hate.
haha i had the same tests in kindergarten. stupid norwood public schools.. i still have my report card. i failed the part on reciting my phone number and address. :[ and mcmongs so cute!! and butterfly knife? omg, i went to artschool and we weren't even allowed to have razors in the library..
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