Wednesday, April 08, 2009


The title of my entry is garbage because rightfully so it's about garbage and yes when I look back at my previous post I think it's stupid but there's no point in keeping a blog if I'm going to delete every previous entry cause I think ti's stupid so w/e.

Another reason for the title is cause I feel like garbage. I know I'm a skinny guy but, UGH i feel fcking FAT inside. More self loathing probably. I'm going through that stage where the parts you want big are getting smaller (no not my penis HAHA - ugh..."Douglas, that's gross.") and my sotmach is getting bigger and bigger. My good friend David is still fatter than me so w/e HAH. But this leads me to what I wanted to discuss which is truly garbage is this new trend of diets.

Lately I've been seeing a bunch of people that I know going on "cleanses" or "detoxes". I don't know much about this stuff but basically:

"Lemonade Cleanse": You drink a lotta lemonade with cayenne pepper (up above) and you eat next to nothing and then yout ake a laxative and crap it all out. Um, ok. If you jsut take a laxative everyday, I'm sure you'll lose just as much weight. SEriously wtf? This is just a fancied up bulimia of the ass. I don't know what it's called for someone who takes laxatives a lot to lose weight so I'm going to call it bulimia of the ass.

"Detox": You eat a lotta fruits and stay away from meat and dirnk a lot of water. It will flush out "bad" things form your system and you will lose weight. Uh. Yeah, it's called anorexia.

There's even one called "Fasting diet". Right. I mean yeah it's probably over simplified but that's the nitty gritty. "Body cleansing or detoxification is a treatment in alternative medicine which proponents claim rid the body of accumulated harmful substances that exert a negative effect on individual health.[1] Critics argue that such cleansings are often unnecessary, and are based on questionable or disproved scientific claims" so basically... this is stupid go hit the gym lazy.

I mean c'mon, people use any whacked out "scientific" explanation to make a couple bucks, cut a few corners, do whatever. If you're on one of these things, you're anorexic or bulimic of the butt.
Proof: My friend who went to Honduras for the Peace Corps posted some pics and he looks realy skinny... and word for word I asked him if it was from crapping so much that he got skinnier.

"of course its from the shitting. ive already lost 10 pounds of diarrehia weight "

Right. Right? Right. Just cause Oprah does it, doesn't mean it's a good thing. In actuality, it's probably bad. And no I know nothing about Oprah besides the fact that she has mind control lvl 99 magic.

Here's the song my roommate loves to listen to right now. If you ever wondered what an acoustic version of a straight up dance song sounded like here you go, Lady Gaga's Poker face in acoustic. And if you don't think the song is ridiculous than plz go to 3:14 when she goes "I'M MARVELOUS I'M MARVELOUS!" (yes my roommate prances about doing that both sober and drunk and it's kinda cute) and if you don't think that's ridiculous then look at her wig? (yeah i'm pretty sure it's a wig) and tell me w t f is up with her hair?

Oh yeah and my test... after I blogged last night I took another nap and woke up this morning to finish studying for it and then I skipped my english class after I took my test cause I didn't read Mrs. Dalloway....garbage book.


John Kang said...

Oprah is lvl 99 mind control....

omg. this made me laugh out loud in lab again. everyone thinks im weird here. fml

there is no secret to dieting. it's all about eating right and exercise. thats it. i find it ammusing that people come up with all these "secret" tricks/tips and stuff...but what it all comes down to is calorie intake and burning -_-

Particulars said...

Douglas, initially I was at a loss for words after reading this post. And then I couldn't stop laughing.
-Yes, there's something comical about that Lady Gaga (even her name). You have a very interesting roommate.
-Mrs. Dalloway is NOT a crap book!!! It's really quite wonderful.
-I am not sure what you're eating these days, but I think your diet (i.e. what you're eating) is causing you to feel yucky.
-As your friend has noted, people lose weight because their bodies burn calories needed to function. If there are no calories to burn, your body turns to reserves in your liver and then your body fat. Why do people exercise? To get stronger and build endurance. It also helps increase your metabolism.

Unknown said...

lady gaga's a nympho.

Peter Jeong said...
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Peter Jeong said...

You know what'll make you feel better/lose weight?

when we kidnap boa and run from her guards...

i got the cage, whip, and chocolate syrup ready

kyong said...

can you still see your feet while you're standing? yes?

Anonymous said...

parts getting smaller is just the first step. wait till the sagging begins

illest said...

metabolism schmatabolism.....diarrhea is the best weight lost plan. quit ur anorsexia and go eat a tapeworm

Particulars said...

Write another post asap!!!