Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Participation Points

So in my English class you have to participate and speak your opinion about things in order to earn points for attendance. We're discussing a book called A Distant Shore By Caryl Phillips (Who is a man, who the fck name's their son Caryl? I mean - I'm thinking Ca-roll but maybe it's Car-aisle. But then again boys are named Stacey too.) We come to a portion of the book in which the main character Dorothy, a 55 year old single female, is sleeping around with younger men and one of the classmates commented on her as being a "Cougar (on the prowl)."

Mind you I try to participate and give my honest opinion on things.
And so forth went the class:

Teacher: It's funny that society would do that. We again see a double standard in which Dorothy who sleeps around with men who are 10, 15 years younger than her is considered a cougar, however, if a man were to do the same thing with a younger woman he would be.....hmm......what do you guys think?

(5 or so seconds of silence)

Me: Awesome.

(Males and some females in class laugh)
(The rest in class glare and raise hands)

No harm done really.


steve bang said...

haha i'm impressed u were able to stay awake during class

Particulars said...

The word, "cougar" is really offensive. I just don't understand why it's fine for men to go out with younger women, but it can't go the other way around.
There are actually a lot of names that fall in the "ambiguous" or unisex territory. Leslie, Stacey, Nancy, Lindsey, Evelyn are some examples.

John Kang said...


just picturing that in my head made me laugh.

I would have liver kicked all the people that glared at me.

Particulars said...