Thursday, April 16, 2009

For Lack of Material

So I've been showing my blog to random people now and then and I've been getting some good feedback. But as I compare my blog to other people's blogs especially those with many views I realize I'm lacking a theme. This is definitely not a food blog, photo blog, art blog, etc. etc. due to the fact that 1. I lack a hobby 2. I'm too lazy to pick up a hobby 3. I don't own a digital camera and 4. I'm not great at art. Eh... I'll figure something out in the future.

However, I do predict MS Paint art coming so....yes, it'll probably be something immature hah!

This past week was interesting as it was Easter. Prior to it, Betty Brown told me that my name was too complex for her. I believe this is the link everyone is posting up so I will do so as well. I mean COME ON. I can kind of understand because many a time people say my last name as "CHOW" like PUPPY CHOW. But my last name is spelled as "Cho". Where the eff does the "OW!" sound come from? And to this I blame the Chinese. More specifically Chinese restaurants. Mr. Chow's restaurant has embedded this sound of "OW" into America. I don't know what I"m talking about but I have to blame someone.

But fine Betty, I will change my last name. As long as all the white people with Lee and Park (and Parks) and alike change their last name too. Rosa Parks should be Rosa Smith and Stan and Spike Lee should be Stan and Spike...Smith....because it's easier. So much for Asian progression.

It's kind of funny in her statement she cites "we can't all learn Chinese" or something like that. Why Chinese? Why not Korean? It's fairly simple. Why does everyone think I'm Chinese? Why call me a chink? I am no crack in the wall you asshole! But the more I think about it, I understand more. The assumption of me being Chinese is due to the rise in education. It all goes back to the SATs baby!

"If you have 10 red marbles and 3 blue marbles in a pouch, and you reach in and grab a marble, which color marble are you more likely to grab?"

"If you have to choose which racial slur to use between 2 billion Chinese slanty eyed people and 200 million (i have no how many Koreans there are) Korean awesome slanty eyed people in the world, which do you use to be correct most of the time?"

I mean, strictly following this, I should have more people calling me out on curry (Indian) things but apparently a good amount of them don't like considering themselves as Asian... I can see why but this is a huge topic in itself.

But back to my point: The rise in education is just raising the level of racism! I kid you not my friends and I ran into some grumpy drunk white people one night after the Olympics had occurred and as expected he said "GO BACK TO BEIJING YOU CHINKS!" But wait a second! Beijing?! I mean, it was insulting cause I don't live there but...I was honestly impressed. Instead of "GO BACK TO CHINA" he said BEIJING. This man has taken his racism to the next level. I congratulate you drunken white hick guy - you have impressed me. SATs (or that ACT garbage) and TV at their best.

And on a side note of Asian progression, especially Korean male progression - I really wish this kid would just shuttup and go away:

I mean... TALK ABOUT SETTING US BACK 50 YEARS. UGH. He posts MULTIPLE MULTIPLE videos. Hate him. Demasculinizing (is that a word) what little we have...

Oh and the reason for my lack of material - I was waiting to blog because my friend had recently found a little bunny in an apartment he does maintenance in much like this one:

So cute! And he put it in a little shoe box with lettuce and milk and he was gonna bring it over and we were going to take pictures. Pictures with a little baby bunny in a shoebox!! So cute!!

And then his fat daschund (which are innately rabbit hunters) found it when he took it home and ate it.


John Kang said...

hehe, i like the way you think.

chow....bwahahaha. Doug Chow? ...Dog chow? I dunno why, buti just came up with that. lool

And that korean guy DOES need to die. i made a vow before I left for korea that i would personally find this guy and kill him. Seriously. If I ever do see him, expect to hear about me in the news in the future.

because of you...i feel like starting up a blog as well. stay tuned... =D

Particulars said...

Hmm. . . I disagree with you about the education aspect. That white dude probably said that b/c of all of the Olympics coverage.
And that Korean guy is really weird. I mean, he can't tell that he sounds horrendous?
Some blogs get a lot of readership even if there is no theme as long as it is well-written and the reader sees that you have some POINT.
If I could, I would get one of those gray rabbits with ears that sag or look like they're falling down. So cute!!!

Anonymous said...

damn that guy is so gay.

steve bang said...

I don't know if this'll make sense or not, but you need to write more like you talk. Half the reason I laugh and find what you have to say so interesting is because of the way you say it. You need to somehow transcribe your charisma into written word.

BTW, more frequent updates will definitely help in readership.

Anonymous said...

i think that guy is pretty good- on pitch and everything.
nevertheless, my gf:
i have suddenly lost all sex drive"
3 minutes later:"ok i don't know why i just pressed the replay button. wtf"

and you set back korean masculinity 50 more years with your bunny comments.

Anonymous said...

ok hearing it for a 3rd time:
f*ck our race
ok must stop watching this before my ovaries die"

Particulars said...

Write a contemplative birthday post!

Jane K said...

Doug, i read your post a couple of days ago, but i'm leaving a comment to let you know that i'm a faithful reader.

I was touring a new part of seoul yesterday called Gwanghwamun, a very beautiful city-like place, and I saw a Mr. Chow's! I took a picture of it :)

I agree with your sister on the Beijing comments... and i like how she comments on your blog :P

anyway, I hope you had a wonderful birthday, and i hope you continue to write funny entries~


JoshHan said...

nice blog! =)