Finally finished up with undergrad!!! Took my last final...been hittin' up the bars in celebrationnnnnn!!! Got a couple interviews right after graduation...hopefully they will be ok.
It's interesting cause everyone is so hyped up with being done with finals and what not there's almost this tension in the air cause people wanna go wild. All good though.
My folks are coming down right now - NOT in the best mood cause there's crazy traffic... I fear for the hostility that will arise from that. A phone call just 10 minutes ago:
Me: Hey dad.
Dad: Hey.
Me: So what's go-
Dad: We're going to be there late cause there's really bad road construction going on right now.
Me: Oh really? How long do you thin-
Dad: How do you think I'll know how long with this kind of traffic? We're CRAWLING. CRAWLING along.
Me: How far are yo-
Dad: I have NO idea how far we are
Sister: (In the background) 66 MILES!
Dad: 66 Miles away. CRAWLING.
Me: Should I change the dinner reser-
Dad: CRAWLING. You change the dinner reservation we're going to be late.
Me: K.
Dad: This traffic is crazy. See you soon.
Me: K.
All good. I am prepared. I have been celebrating all week and I have some pics of some other people celebrating with me... two in particular. I must say though... it's crazy what you see with a camera flash.
The first:
CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!! This guy straddled this chick on a wheelchair and was trying to make out with her. I was pretending to take a picture of myself, yes. I was gonna caption up this picture but... I don't know it kinda bothered me. The guy wiping? his hand on his chest was preppin' to start celebrating with the chick in front of him.
gonna have to click this one to make it bigger
Lol. Big girls need love too. I envision him saying something like "You ain't goin' no where baby girl." and she's like "Oh yeah? You think you can stop me?! Come get it play boy." and he's like "OH BABY! Come to daddy big mama" and then they made out like crazy (which is what caught my eye in the first place). From the look on his face you know he's ready for THE CELEBRATION!!!!!!!!!!!
that used to be you
lol i enjoy your artical too.
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