It's nice to know people are reading my stuff. I get random people telling me "Haha, read your blog did that really happen?" Or my sister would call me and say "Omg Douglas, you're ridiculous!" (like the spell....harry potter). I love the comments, I never respond or delete em cause I like the reactions I get... but what makes me believe that I'm doing something right... is that I'm getting SPAM on my blog!
I mean someone out there programmed something that somehow saw my blog and computed "Y'know, this is worth my RAM space. Let's spam him." And i've been getting a bunch here and there. So I figured I'd share my spam. I picked out the most common one and it's from....
To be REALLY honest I thought it was someone leaving me a comment or link or something to a blog....seriously! lol I have no idea who that is or how to say it - it's in Chinese. igoogle translation made it into - "别乱would like to" So i'm guessing that foreign first part is a name and would like to.... and something naughty. Something naughty because it's PORNO SPAM! HEHEHEHE. I don't really know why I'd get porno spam... and on top of that ASIAN porno spam. Lol this is kind of a crude entry btw =P So of course I clicked on it! and found out it was porn and wtf'd
So here it is - analyzed by yours truly -

What I find the most interesting is that even though it's mostly in Chinese, the KEY points are in understandable to the English reader. You must be 18, as it is highlighted top left. It's obviously an Asian site, girl on left. To enter press the PINK flashy button - I mean c'mon who would make their exit button pink flashing (It was flashing but I took a pic so it's still) and the enter one grey. And something is LIVE - so I'm thinking it's a live web service type of deal.
I did not click further. I mean honestly I woulda explored further but I am deathly afraid of real spam and pop up nonsense or maybe the Chinese government is using their porn sites to get info outta me. WHO KNOWS.
But it was a... nice, reassuring thing to get.... this porno spam of mine.
I also noticed another spam....
I... can't go to it. url:
wtf no thx.
YAY! thats pretty rediculous though ive never gotten foreign spam
You're so weird and I've never called you and said you're ridiculous!
Start putting up links to other people's blogs that you read (famous ones) and you might get more hits.
blush... (@>___<@)
-2. ugh.
we know you have a subscription to emo boys.
they are play wow just liek you.
haha i just remembered the first time i read ur blog, u were like "YAY I HAVE AN UNKNOWN FOLLOWER! i have followers!" and u were so excited... only to realize that it was me who checked ur page. LOL :) haha but yes i do read ur blogs occasionally.. glad that makes u happy! puaha.
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