And... things went as normal lol.
My dad has some interesting views on the world. These usually come up when we're talking about things like Christianity and it leads into the state of the world today. I mean arguing with the guy is hard because he abuses his privilege to not listen to me and just wait til I stop making noise lol. Pops just has high expectations for his son I suppose.
A little taste:
Dad: This terrorism stuff is getting out of hand. You know, everyone was happy with religion before Jesus came along.
Me: Well, he shook things up. But there was still conflict.
Dad: Yeah, that's not cool Christians and Muslims killing each other.
Me: Well, that's only the extremists...
Dad: No. People should get along.
Me: In a perfect world, we'd all get along but conflict is inevitable if you believe in different things.
Dad: Muslims and Christians won't be able to get along.
Me: Well many do but - not those extremists.
Dad: We should compensate and reconcile.
Me: Why?
Dad: For world peace.
Me: But what about the beliefs?
Dad: How would you reconcile Muslim and Christian relations?
Me: Globally?
Dad: Of course.
Me: ....
Dad: You don't know what you're talking about.
Me: You can't ask me that! How am I supposed to know?
Dad: Why not?
I mean there was a lot more to it than that... we talked about things like biopower, the Roman Empire (lol) and rising Muslim populations in blue collar areas in Europe blah blah politics. But his ultimate finishing move is answering this crazy question and when I don't know how to answer it's GG :pose for camera: peace out. I got my dad REALLY ticked off one time cause I couldn't answer... I was on the computer -
Dad: [walks in] You read the news?
Me: Yeah, now and then.
Dad: Sigh. Healthcare situation is terrible here.
Me: Seriously.
Dad: Canada is so much better.
Me: I guess cause it's for everyone.
Dad: How would you fix healthcare in the U.S.?
Me: ....
Dad: You don't read enough news.
I mean the guy reads a lot of news but c'mon. If I knew the answers to those questions I think I'd be chillin in the White House.
Dad: How do you think Newton came up with those kinds of physics laws?
Me: Observation? Genius?
Dad: What do you think went through his head?
Me: Like.. specifically?
Dad: Yeup.
Me: (Ugh)...I really don't know... I mean didn't he make calculus? (So I threw out a random trivia fact I knew to blanket the impact of my "I don't know" it's proven to work. I do it all the time now lol)
Dad: Hmph. You need to think about that more.
Lol he got really mad at me after that one - something like "You waste your time thinking about nonsense!"
Dad: When you worked in Chicago what did you think about the economy?
Me: I mean the DOW dropped like 700 points the first day I worked (I threw that in there cause I knew something was going down. Again the blanket.) - it sucked.
Dad: Geez... that bad huh?
Me: Yeah - it was pretty sad.
Dad: What was the solution you came up with?
Me: ....
Dad: ?
Me: For the recession?
Dad: Yeah.
Me: I don't know what I'd do...
Dad: How do you not know after you worked?
So please, I need your help -
How do I solve Muslim and Christian relations globally?
How do I solve U.S. healthcare problems?
What went through Newton's head when he came up with theories?
What do I need to do to get our economy out of the recession?

That is so funny!! I had no idea you had these discussions with him minus the religion one!!
I think he's just frustrated and needs a place to vent and you happened to be nearby =)
1. You can't.
2. That's not up to you.
3. He was probably thinking, "Man, how do I get into that chick's pantaloons?
The freakin' apple fell on his head while he was sitting under the tree.
4. Nothing. Recessions happen every 10 years - regardless of what we do.
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