Pavlov Media.
Pavlov is the internet provider at my apartment complex - I believe it is also the purple dog that I stabbed in that picture. They are basically a wannabe Comcast/Cablevision company that provides cable tv and internet. BUT THEY'RE SO BAD. SOOOOOOOOOOO BAD. I looked at some forums regarding this company cause I thought it was just my crappy apartment but apparently it's just an all around suck company.
One of the posts from dslreports.com was from a poster named "Pavlov sux dk"
"If at all possible, never get pavlov media as a service provider. Not only does all of their services suck, when you try and talk to someone on the phone you get some poonjab on the other side of the world who has never seen an hdtv or wireless internet devices. They read how to guides off of a computer and have no clue about the actual problem. You can never get an actual technician on the phone nor do they care to fix your problem. AVOID PAVLOV AT ALL COSTS!!!"
Several other posts like this from South Carolina, Florida, Wisconsin, etc.
I have had MANY encounters with Pavlov customer service... and I could definitely understand what people were ranting about. I've called many times in hopes that they would do something after my spam because the internet here cuts out or gets notoriously slow. I am generally a very patient person... until the last showdown I had with my customer care rep, Marcy.
Oh - I guess should explain my approach to customer services. I believe that even though you're frustrated and having problems with w/e service you're getting - if you're really friendly to the customer care rep, they're more inclined to help you. This was not the case with Marcy. I made this call during a 20 hr block of no internet.
Marcy: Hello, thank you for calling Pavlov, this is Marcy. Who am I speaking to?
Me: Doug Cho.
Marcy: Okay, Mr. Chow how can I help you. (Ok, so I SOMETIMES understand when people READ my name and say Chow. But HEARING my name and saying it. Wtf.)
Me: Basically--
Marcy: Is this your first time calling?
Me: Oh no. I think it's my 17th? Haha.
Marcy: There is no need to use sarcasm with me, sir I'm just trying to help. Can I have your phone number so I can view your past logs?
Me: Oh I'm serious! Yeah, it's 123-456-7890
Marcy: ... Oh... you've called quite a few times before.
Me: Yeah... I think 17. Heh. (Still trying to be nice)
(After explaining the situation)
Marcy: We're going to run some tests. Are you using a wired connection or wireless.
Me: I'm using my ethernet cord.
Marcy: No, you have to be plugged into the wall for us to know the cause of the problem.
Me: Yeah, the cord's in the wall.
Marcy: Are you sure you get it? Not the router.
Me: I'm positive.
Marcy: These tests are just wasting time if you're not.
Me: I'm plugged into the wall.
Marcy: Ok. Can you run a speed test for me at the following website: www.speakeasy.com/speedtest
Me: K, I'm trying.
Marcy: And?
Me: It's not loading. I don't think it's going to load y'know?
Marcy: You probably typed the URL wrong. It's W, W, W, - S as in Sigma, P as in Pit, E as in Ear, A as in Alpha, K as in.... K. E as in Ear, A as in Alpha, S as in Sigma, Y as in Yarn.
Me: Well, if I don't have internet, I don't think whatever way I type it it'll load.
Marcy: Can you try yahoo.com? That's W, W, W, Y as in Yes, A as in...
Me: My internet's not connected, I can't go to it.
Marcy: You're not plugged into the wall.
Me: Umm, Yes I am.
Marcy: Do you know what I'm talking about? You don't sound sure.
Me: The long black wire that goes into the port in the wall is in my computer.
Marcy: Okay, now try the speed test.
Me: Is this all we're going to do?
Marcy: It sounds simple but many people like yourself don't know -
And then I threw a chair out my window.