I had a flight to Chicago with a layover in Boston...
Flight to Boston got cancelled got on the next one 3 hrs later.
Land - missed my original flight to Chicago - next flight to Chicago has a broken fckin plane. Nice. AA stinks. Last time I flying it...
I was supposed to arrive at my apartment around 8pm. Now I'll be in around 1am.
It's ok... I have internet here. Boston sucks, even though the airport is nice I just don't like Boston. Boston makes me think bad things. I think being in BOSTON just makes the delay worse. Bleh.
So there's this couple sitting across from me - I'd say a new couple about to get married, early 30's late 20's. They keep scowling and scoffing at this baby that's upset. I am secretly wishing that their baby screeches like a banshee.
There was a kid to my left (Ugh, I need a camera!) with his family. Totally nice family cute dog... but the kid (about 7, 8?) had this long ass ponytail and a thick ass neon pink game? book. I couldn't stop thinking of all the homosexual possibilities that waited for this boy.
Just like this one. So gay.
(This picture was titled "Chinese Ponytail" lol)
There's this girl sitting to my right - I have no idea what school she goes to I'm assuming it's something around here and she won't stfu about how she's going to Geneva for a 2 year program for interpretation for English, Spanish - and French. "You can't leave out that it's for French too." Se taire! (shuttup? I think) "Geneva's a REALLY good school for it. And then, I can work at the UN and what not." I hate her, and then she asked me to watch her stuff. But I secretly wasn't watching it, I was typing crap about her while no one watched her bag.
Lol. I feel better now. Gonna order a fat CALZONE right when I get back.