I was at an event called FACT. Supposedly the biggest Filipino American conference where people come to perform dances, spoken word, sing.
There was one spoken word girl that talked about girls cat calling her and racist remarks and what not. Y'know throwing it down Def-Jam Poetry style. She definitely fit that stereotype of 'empowered' woman exposing man pigs. It was good stuff. Kinda angry... I guess due to subject matter. So she was that 'angry, empowered' woman.
The whole 'Empower the woman!' 'Women are beautiful' 'Strong Woman' thing is everywhere - and I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all. IT'S NOT A BAD THING.
But honestly, some women overstep their bounds for real. Definitely puts men in a position where they can't really do anything cause they become THAT man. Perverted, unfaithful, and sick man. Something like this (Happened at a bar):
*Man bumps into woman
*They look at each other
Man: Sorry... *tries to walk away
Man: Huh
Woman: What were you trying to cop a feel or something?
Man: WHAT?!
Man: HUH?!
Woman: UM, YOU'RE LOOKING AT MY BOOBS?! *points at boobs,
Y'know what the reaction here is? TO LOOK AT THE BOOBS.
Man: *Quickly looks up* I WASN'T!
Woman's Large, muscular, presumably semi drunk friend: What's wrong?
Poor guy... I only got to watch up til there but still... She was on the offensive and he just got smaller and smaller. And I believe that's the initial reaction of most guys. I mean yeah men can be perverted, ogle at women, some do try to slap/grab a tooshie. But there's always that girl who thinks they're ALL DOING IT TO HER. "Omg, he won't stop staring." "Omg, he keeps staring at my legs cause of my short, short skirt." "Ew he's looking at my cleavage."
If you're going to be like that - Don't wear the fckin skirt. And put on a sweatshirt. The reason you're so cold and nipply when you go out at night is cause it's WINTER. lol
I ran into one of these situations myself. And Asians are definitely stereotypically passive... BUT SHE PICKED THE WRONG ONE TO GIRL-POWER TRIP ON. Errr I mean - I do believe I handled the situation well.
I was at a bar texting a friend who was supposed to have drinks with me. I was standing in a rather crowded area and as I was texting a girl approached me with her disgusting looking errr I mean disgusted looking (hehe) friend.
Girl: Um, did you just take a picture of my friend?
Me (Shock): No! I was texting!
Accuser: UM I SAW you take a picture of me.
And my initially reaction was to go on the passive-defensive.
Me: Look! (I flip through my album, no picture of girls there) I didn't!
Accuser: No, you DEFINITELY took a picture of me, creep!
And here I realized - "Wait, W-T-F." But you have to choose your words carefully. *edit* Seriously like INSULTED she would even THINK I would do that.
Me: (Half smile, lean in, and very calmly) I would NEVER take a picture of someone who looks like you - So you don't have to worry 'bout it. K? (Pwn. Walk away.)
I did not establish any superiority over her - but stated and expressed my preference.

*For the record - regardless of what the girl looked like - if she approached me like that my reaction would have been the same. A girl actin' like that is sucha HUGE turn off.
*For the record - regardless of what the girl looked like - if she approached me like that my reaction would have been the same. A girl actin' like that is sucha HUGE turn off.
what a crock of horse manure
if she looked like jessica alba you wouldve splooged your pants INSTANTLY
HAHA. well i hope you do not apply this perspective to all women... she was just one crazy, short skirt wearing, cleavage baring (and ugly apparently) lady. i wonder what she would have done if you said you did take a picture of her...
Since you're a guy, you just don't understand the need to "power trip" -___-
1 in 3 women are abused a day worldwide -____-
There is still a large wage gap between men and women.
Go look at a law firm and see who makes partner: the majority are white males.
"The reason you're so cold and nipply when you go out at night is cause it's WINTER."
puhahah. freal dude. stupid broads
i was gonna punch some chick when i was cross the street yesterday and she like honked crazy when the effin light was red. i was gonna kill her ... but she was a hal-mu-ni ... damn. bad example. but two thumbs up for this post
Err... 4. You don't know me at all!
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