I know it's a day early but I don't think I'll have time to post tomorrow
I want itttttttttttttttttt:
Definitely went to a bar, transformed in front of a chick and got laid.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Girl, Calm Yo'self
Whew busy week!
I was at an event called FACT. Supposedly the biggest Filipino American conference where people come to perform dances, spoken word, sing.
There was one spoken word girl that talked about girls cat calling her and racist remarks and what not. Y'know throwing it down Def-Jam Poetry style. She definitely fit that stereotype of 'empowered' woman exposing man pigs. It was good stuff. Kinda angry... I guess due to subject matter. So she was that 'angry, empowered' woman.
The whole 'Empower the woman!' 'Women are beautiful' 'Strong Woman' thing is everywhere - and I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all. IT'S NOT A BAD THING.
But honestly, some women overstep their bounds for real. Definitely puts men in a position where they can't really do anything cause they become THAT man. Perverted, unfaithful, and sick man. Something like this (Happened at a bar):
*Man bumps into woman
*They look at each other
Man: Sorry... *tries to walk away
Man: Huh
Woman: What were you trying to cop a feel or something?
Man: WHAT?!
Man: HUH?!
Woman: UM, YOU'RE LOOKING AT MY BOOBS?! *points at boobs,
Y'know what the reaction here is? TO LOOK AT THE BOOBS.
Man: *Quickly looks up* I WASN'T!
Woman's Large, muscular, presumably semi drunk friend: What's wrong?
Poor guy... I only got to watch up til there but still... She was on the offensive and he just got smaller and smaller. And I believe that's the initial reaction of most guys. I mean yeah men can be perverted, ogle at women, some do try to slap/grab a tooshie. But there's always that girl who thinks they're ALL DOING IT TO HER. "Omg, he won't stop staring." "Omg, he keeps staring at my legs cause of my short, short skirt." "Ew he's looking at my cleavage."
If you're going to be like that - Don't wear the fckin skirt. And put on a sweatshirt. The reason you're so cold and nipply when you go out at night is cause it's WINTER. lol
I ran into one of these situations myself. And Asians are definitely stereotypically passive... BUT SHE PICKED THE WRONG ONE TO GIRL-POWER TRIP ON. Errr I mean - I do believe I handled the situation well.
I was at a bar texting a friend who was supposed to have drinks with me. I was standing in a rather crowded area and as I was texting a girl approached me with her disgusting looking errr I mean disgusted looking (hehe) friend.
Girl: Um, did you just take a picture of my friend?
Me (Shock): No! I was texting!
Accuser: UM I SAW you take a picture of me.
And my initially reaction was to go on the passive-defensive.
Me: Look! (I flip through my album, no picture of girls there) I didn't!
Accuser: No, you DEFINITELY took a picture of me, creep!
And here I realized - "Wait, W-T-F." But you have to choose your words carefully. *edit* Seriously like INSULTED she would even THINK I would do that.
Me: (Half smile, lean in, and very calmly) I would NEVER take a picture of someone who looks like you - So you don't have to worry 'bout it. K? (Pwn. Walk away.)
I did not establish any superiority over her - but stated and expressed my preference.

*For the record - regardless of what the girl looked like - if she approached me like that my reaction would have been the same. A girl actin' like that is sucha HUGE turn off.
I was at an event called FACT. Supposedly the biggest Filipino American conference where people come to perform dances, spoken word, sing.
There was one spoken word girl that talked about girls cat calling her and racist remarks and what not. Y'know throwing it down Def-Jam Poetry style. She definitely fit that stereotype of 'empowered' woman exposing man pigs. It was good stuff. Kinda angry... I guess due to subject matter. So she was that 'angry, empowered' woman.
The whole 'Empower the woman!' 'Women are beautiful' 'Strong Woman' thing is everywhere - and I'm not saying it's a bad thing at all. IT'S NOT A BAD THING.
But honestly, some women overstep their bounds for real. Definitely puts men in a position where they can't really do anything cause they become THAT man. Perverted, unfaithful, and sick man. Something like this (Happened at a bar):
*Man bumps into woman
*They look at each other
Man: Sorry... *tries to walk away
Man: Huh
Woman: What were you trying to cop a feel or something?
Man: WHAT?!
Man: HUH?!
Woman: UM, YOU'RE LOOKING AT MY BOOBS?! *points at boobs,
Y'know what the reaction here is? TO LOOK AT THE BOOBS.
Man: *Quickly looks up* I WASN'T!
Woman's Large, muscular, presumably semi drunk friend: What's wrong?
Poor guy... I only got to watch up til there but still... She was on the offensive and he just got smaller and smaller. And I believe that's the initial reaction of most guys. I mean yeah men can be perverted, ogle at women, some do try to slap/grab a tooshie. But there's always that girl who thinks they're ALL DOING IT TO HER. "Omg, he won't stop staring." "Omg, he keeps staring at my legs cause of my short, short skirt." "Ew he's looking at my cleavage."
If you're going to be like that - Don't wear the fckin skirt. And put on a sweatshirt. The reason you're so cold and nipply when you go out at night is cause it's WINTER. lol
I ran into one of these situations myself. And Asians are definitely stereotypically passive... BUT SHE PICKED THE WRONG ONE TO GIRL-POWER TRIP ON. Errr I mean - I do believe I handled the situation well.
I was at a bar texting a friend who was supposed to have drinks with me. I was standing in a rather crowded area and as I was texting a girl approached me with her disgusting looking errr I mean disgusted looking (hehe) friend.
Girl: Um, did you just take a picture of my friend?
Me (Shock): No! I was texting!
Accuser: UM I SAW you take a picture of me.
And my initially reaction was to go on the passive-defensive.
Me: Look! (I flip through my album, no picture of girls there) I didn't!
Accuser: No, you DEFINITELY took a picture of me, creep!
And here I realized - "Wait, W-T-F." But you have to choose your words carefully. *edit* Seriously like INSULTED she would even THINK I would do that.
Me: (Half smile, lean in, and very calmly) I would NEVER take a picture of someone who looks like you - So you don't have to worry 'bout it. K? (Pwn. Walk away.)
I did not establish any superiority over her - but stated and expressed my preference.

*For the record - regardless of what the girl looked like - if she approached me like that my reaction would have been the same. A girl actin' like that is sucha HUGE turn off.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Doo Doo Diwali UNGG!
I am back from yet another busy week and hiatus from blogging - back in the spirit of Diwali! I have no idea what it is and what it's about cept that it's some sort of festival in Hinduism or something. I honestly just liked the name -_- - I just know it was today.
Yeah - pretty random...and going with that I have a couple random things.
I wasn't really aware people still did it. Mostly Indian cause the only people I know that do it are Indian. My friend David was good friends with this guy and after a while the guy just disappeared, screened all of Dave's phone calls, and stopped communicating. Finally, the guy calls him back and -
David: Dude, wtf why haven't you got at me?
Guy: Dude - I've been busy. I got married in Palestine.
David: WTF? Is your wife hot?
Guy: Hehe, yeah.
Holler. I guess that's a lot of faith in your folks to not pick an ugly - I mean c'mon - it's arranged so you're not gonna know their personality and blah blah blah, first encounter with your wifey is all looks.
There's this girl in my English class who likes to draw attention to herself and she is also getting an arranged marriage. She just complains and complains and people feel sorry for her -
Girl: UGH! I can't date anyone there's no point! I really wanna run away!
Class girl: Yeah! Just do that!
Girl: But it's really different when your whole family is just lined up telling you you have to marry this guy. It sucks so bad...He sent me all these engagement rings to pick from and I rejected them all. But by next week I'll be back with a 3 karot rock on my finger
Me: (eye roll)
Class girls: Awww.
Class guy: You should sell it and use the money to run away!
Girl: I'm just going to throw it out.
And this continued for like...10 minutes. So I decided to speak.
Class girl: Do you know what he looks like?
Girl: No, no picture - I'm going to hate him I know it.
Class girl: Awww I fee-
Me: What if he's really hot?
Girl: Huh?
Me: What if he's smokin' Indian Brad Pitt man of your dreams hot?
And I wanted to say...but I didn't wanna get lynched:
"I mean seriously - what if he's hot, smart, and pwntastic? And it's actually HIM who's stuck with YOU." lol I shoulda.
It happens. It sucks. Especially with new fresh underwear on.
My friend Chris drives an Audi A4. Very nice car - and thus this conversation with his little brother's 11 yr old friend.
Brat: What car do you drive?
Chris: ....an Audi A4 why?
Brat: Do you not have money? Why do you drive that piece of crap?
Chris: ....I have no other money for another car...
Brat: I can see that. I have money. I got $30,000 from Hanukkah last year.
Brat: I'm going to drive a lambo.
I like to see brats like that get hit by buses.
lol Jk. Kind of. And his dad is a baker for a lot of the big restaurants in NYC so he wakes up everyday at 4am, bakes a lotta bread and sells it to the restaurants. Anyone want to start a bakery?
Little kids like to pretend to be animals and play and what not. In America, a child being a tiger goes "raaaah!!" "Rawr!" "Roar!" "Growl!". In Korea - a Korean child being a tiger goes "UNGGG!!" "UngGG!!!" "UNNNNNNNNNNGGG!" Where the fck did we get that noise from?

And PLEASE note fearless ice cold baby stare in picture. Wtf? lol.
Sigh - I'll try to update sooner next time.
Yeah - pretty random...and going with that I have a couple random things.
-Arranged Marriage-
I wasn't really aware people still did it. Mostly Indian cause the only people I know that do it are Indian. My friend David was good friends with this guy and after a while the guy just disappeared, screened all of Dave's phone calls, and stopped communicating. Finally, the guy calls him back and -
David: Dude, wtf why haven't you got at me?
Guy: Dude - I've been busy. I got married in Palestine.
David: WTF? Is your wife hot?
Guy: Hehe, yeah.
Holler. I guess that's a lot of faith in your folks to not pick an ugly - I mean c'mon - it's arranged so you're not gonna know their personality and blah blah blah, first encounter with your wifey is all looks.
There's this girl in my English class who likes to draw attention to herself and she is also getting an arranged marriage. She just complains and complains and people feel sorry for her -
Girl: UGH! I can't date anyone there's no point! I really wanna run away!
Class girl: Yeah! Just do that!
Girl: But it's really different when your whole family is just lined up telling you you have to marry this guy. It sucks so bad...He sent me all these engagement rings to pick from and I rejected them all. But by next week I'll be back with a 3 karot rock on my finger
Me: (eye roll)
Class girls: Awww.
Class guy: You should sell it and use the money to run away!
Girl: I'm just going to throw it out.
And this continued for like...10 minutes. So I decided to speak.
Class girl: Do you know what he looks like?
Girl: No, no picture - I'm going to hate him I know it.
Class girl: Awww I fee-
Me: What if he's really hot?
Girl: Huh?
Me: What if he's smokin' Indian Brad Pitt man of your dreams hot?
And I wanted to say...but I didn't wanna get lynched:
"I mean seriously - what if he's hot, smart, and pwntastic? And it's actually HIM who's stuck with YOU." lol I shoulda.
It happens. It sucks. Especially with new fresh underwear on.
-Millionaire Bakers and their kids-
My friend Chris drives an Audi A4. Very nice car - and thus this conversation with his little brother's 11 yr old friend.
Brat: What car do you drive?
Chris: ....an Audi A4 why?
Brat: Do you not have money? Why do you drive that piece of crap?
Chris: ....I have no other money for another car...
Brat: I can see that. I have money. I got $30,000 from Hanukkah last year.
Brat: I'm going to drive a lambo.
I like to see brats like that get hit by buses.
lol Jk. Kind of. And his dad is a baker for a lot of the big restaurants in NYC so he wakes up everyday at 4am, bakes a lotta bread and sells it to the restaurants. Anyone want to start a bakery?
-In Korea, tigers go "UNGGGGG!"-
Little kids like to pretend to be animals and play and what not. In America, a child being a tiger goes "raaaah!!" "Rawr!" "Roar!" "Growl!". In Korea - a Korean child being a tiger goes "UNGGG!!" "UngGG!!!" "UNNNNNNNNNNGGG!" Where the fck did we get that noise from?

And PLEASE note fearless ice cold baby stare in picture. Wtf? lol.
Sigh - I'll try to update sooner next time.
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Finally... Geeks again
I've been having a really rough couple of past weeks. Exams and what not.
But finally - what I've learned about Gaming Geeks. This post is pretty vulgar and offensive but pretty interesting cause you'll only see it if you play games.
This population of people is....
the most VULGAR, most RACIST, most PERVERTED group of people you will ever meet. Ever. And yet why does this all go unnoticed?!
That'll take us into their HABITAT.
These guys are often referred to as the "Keyboard Warriors". They'll talk smack all day, as long as their behind a computer screen. When it's in person it's a totally different story. Perfect example of a friend of mine:
1:11 PM
urameshiikokushi:dude i beat this one HUGE black bitch at this one tournament
it was such a close fight
me: ahaha
and then?
urameshiikokushi: when i won i wanted jump up an scream
urameshiikokushi: yeaaaaaaaaa ni*****eeerrr <= note: (I don't care for censoring but... just feels wrong to have that there. Shrug.)
urameshiikokushi: but i controlled myself
i couldve died that night
1:12 PM
me: omg i'm blogging this
urameshiikokushi: he was gigantic
leave my name out of it
me: lololol
urameshiikokushi: what if that black guy happens to read ur blog
urameshiikokushi: he would cleanse my colon with his anaconda penis
And you can see the perfect package of vulgar, perverted, racist gamer.
Though seemingly primitive and immature and whatever else you want to call it - I must say... these people are the best shit talkers ever. Ever. Their sole goal: to make you angry. I mean - the majority of these guys have got to be under weight, average joe guys who would probably get their heads knocked off. But with the protection of a monitor, internet connection and in-game alias - the mouths keep runnin' (and everyone i mean EVERYONE talks about everyone's mom).
And I've noticed a certain classifcation and style that these geeks decide to use.
The most popular:
Racist spammer.
I believe the strongest characteristic is the constant abuse of the word: ni**er. Seriously, the word just gets thrown around. To be honest, I really believe that it's because gaming geeks assume that black people don't play games like WoW and DotA. Stereotypically, anyway. Aside from the racist part this is the guy who says:
Racist spammer123: You fcking suck you ni**er.
Me: Dude, chill out.
Racist spammer123: lol why you mad?
Racist spammer123: lol you mad?
Racist spammer123: YOU MAD?!
Racist spammer123: LOL YOU MAD?!
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM
Racist spammer123: -spam- RACISM
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM AND RACISM
Racist spammer123: -spam- I SEX THEM
Racist spammer123: -spam- GAY GAY GAY
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM RACISM GAY
etc. etc.
Words definitely lose their meaning within the gaming world. When someone arises as victorious it used to be just:
cockywinner212: OWNED. OWNED. PWNED. (another form of owned)
but now it's -
Yes, you can 'be rape'.
Then you have your typical smartass - who usually gets into contention with the spammer. Such scenario goes as this:
Racist spammer123: Omg player 5 you fckin suck so much just die
Obviously asian name: stfu you're terribad too
Racist spammer123: Fckin' gooks. Go fck a dog chink.
Obviously asian name: Please don't call your mom a dog.
Me: lol
Lol - these guys are either really funny or really lame.
And then you have that idiot geek like...you're just wtf? why would ever say that. And this guy always runs into the most inappriopriate person ever.
omginappropriate5: idiotgeek666 you're so fckin bad go die
idiotgeek666: stfu, kid (note: people use the word 'kid' to belittle others....it never works)
omginappropriate5: lol kid - you're still a virgin I bet. I'm here fcking your mom.
idiotgeek6: my mom's dead.
me: wtf?
WTF? why would you say that?!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? and then...
omginappropriate5: Yeah you're right - but i'm still here fcking her still.
omgggggggg - ONLY because you will never be able to put a face to the name.
I will close with a quote straight from the subject:
Me: Writing about gaming geeks like you
urameshiikokushi: i think im on the extreme side tho
like i dry humped my friend when i got first place in a tourney
honestly.... typical. Revenge of the nerds anyone?
I guess not really a post I want out after hiatus but - w/e.
omg -edit- This is literally write after I posted:
Urameshiikokushi: i am quite possibly
the best sf4 player
me: tell that to the china town guys who kicked ur ass
Urameshiikokushi: dude
i was just being modest
i beat justin wong(really famous gamer) so bad
he pulled his pants down
and bent over
and said
do what you will
tru story
-edit x2-
Urameshiikokushi: i hope your blog dies now
and any personal attacks made on me on the comment
i will respond
with my gaming geek tendencies
Urameshiikokushi: and i will do so in the most vulgar manner possible
dead babies
animal sex
etc etc
But finally - what I've learned about Gaming Geeks. This post is pretty vulgar and offensive but pretty interesting cause you'll only see it if you play games.
This population of people is....
the most VULGAR, most RACIST, most PERVERTED group of people you will ever meet. Ever. And yet why does this all go unnoticed?!
That'll take us into their HABITAT.
These guys are often referred to as the "Keyboard Warriors". They'll talk smack all day, as long as their behind a computer screen. When it's in person it's a totally different story. Perfect example of a friend of mine:
1:11 PM
urameshiikokushi:dude i beat this one HUGE black bitch at this one tournament
it was such a close fight
me: ahaha
and then?
urameshiikokushi: when i won i wanted jump up an scream
urameshiikokushi: yeaaaaaaaaa ni*****eeerrr <= note: (I don't care for censoring but... just feels wrong to have that there. Shrug.)
urameshiikokushi: but i controlled myself
i couldve died that night
1:12 PM
me: omg i'm blogging this
urameshiikokushi: he was gigantic
leave my name out of it
me: lololol
urameshiikokushi: what if that black guy happens to read ur blog
urameshiikokushi: he would cleanse my colon with his anaconda penis
And you can see the perfect package of vulgar, perverted, racist gamer.
Though seemingly primitive and immature and whatever else you want to call it - I must say... these people are the best shit talkers ever. Ever. Their sole goal: to make you angry. I mean - the majority of these guys have got to be under weight, average joe guys who would probably get their heads knocked off. But with the protection of a monitor, internet connection and in-game alias - the mouths keep runnin' (and everyone i mean EVERYONE talks about everyone's mom).
And I've noticed a certain classifcation and style that these geeks decide to use.
The most popular:
Racist spammer.
I believe the strongest characteristic is the constant abuse of the word: ni**er. Seriously, the word just gets thrown around. To be honest, I really believe that it's because gaming geeks assume that black people don't play games like WoW and DotA. Stereotypically, anyway. Aside from the racist part this is the guy who says:
Racist spammer123: You fcking suck you ni**er.
Me: Dude, chill out.
Racist spammer123: lol why you mad?
Racist spammer123: lol you mad?
Racist spammer123: YOU MAD?!
Racist spammer123: LOL YOU MAD?!
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM
Racist spammer123: -spam- RACISM
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM AND RACISM
Racist spammer123: -spam- I SEX THEM
Racist spammer123: -spam- GAY GAY GAY
Racist spammer123: -spam- YOUR MOM RACISM GAY
etc. etc.
Words definitely lose their meaning within the gaming world. When someone arises as victorious it used to be just:
cockywinner212: OWNED. OWNED. PWNED. (another form of owned)
but now it's -
Yes, you can 'be rape'.
Then you have your typical smartass - who usually gets into contention with the spammer. Such scenario goes as this:
Racist spammer123: Omg player 5 you fckin suck so much just die
Obviously asian name: stfu you're terribad too
Racist spammer123: Fckin' gooks. Go fck a dog chink.
Obviously asian name: Please don't call your mom a dog.
Me: lol
Lol - these guys are either really funny or really lame.
And then you have that idiot geek like...you're just wtf? why would ever say that. And this guy always runs into the most inappriopriate person ever.
omginappropriate5: idiotgeek666 you're so fckin bad go die
idiotgeek666: stfu, kid (note: people use the word 'kid' to belittle others....it never works)
omginappropriate5: lol kid - you're still a virgin I bet. I'm here fcking your mom.
idiotgeek6: my mom's dead.
me: wtf?
WTF? why would you say that?!?!?! WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT? and then...
omginappropriate5: Yeah you're right - but i'm still here fcking her still.
omgggggggg - ONLY because you will never be able to put a face to the name.
I will close with a quote straight from the subject:
Me: Writing about gaming geeks like you
urameshiikokushi: i think im on the extreme side tho
like i dry humped my friend when i got first place in a tourney
honestly.... typical. Revenge of the nerds anyone?
I guess not really a post I want out after hiatus but - w/e.
omg -edit- This is literally write after I posted:
Urameshiikokushi: i am quite possibly
the best sf4 player
me: tell that to the china town guys who kicked ur ass
Urameshiikokushi: dude
i was just being modest
i beat justin wong(really famous gamer) so bad
he pulled his pants down
and bent over
and said
do what you will
tru story
-edit x2-
Urameshiikokushi: i hope your blog dies now
and any personal attacks made on me on the comment
i will respond
with my gaming geek tendencies
Urameshiikokushi: and i will do so in the most vulgar manner possible
dead babies
animal sex
etc etc
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