It's actually been a while since I've gone clubbing - but it's really something funny to see how the way people act at them is something that hasn't changed.
The only reason that it's funny is because:
1. People act in very similar ways and they can be grouped together.
2. The actions are always the same.
3. When you look for it, it's SO obvious.
I guess the reason being behind the funny behavior is because clubs are dark, loud, and congested places - and you're probably never going to see whoever again. I'm very sure whoever falls into whatever group does not act like they do outside of the club - well almost, so I guess one could say the club brings out the inner... something.
I'll just name a few that stick out in my mind since you can make modifications to anything/anyone. I won't go into sexuality or race cause those really change things up and - I don't know I feel like it would be dangerous/too complicated to talk about and explain myself lol.
Regular Girl
This girl comes to clubs on a regular basis, but she's not the 'Regular' cause of her attendance. She can look hot or not. She's just that normal girl who comes with her friends (both boys and girls) to have a good time. She's willing to meet people outside her group - but it won't really go much further than that.
Regular Guy
No explanation necessary, see above.
Snotty Hotty
This girl either is that girl who is REALLY HOT (either plastic or not)/thinks she's really hot/knows she's really hot. She goes to clubs with only a few of her girls. If it's with a guy it's some hair greased juggernaut wearing one of those MMA t-shirts (usually TAP OUT) under a sports jacket and designer shades (at night). She's very critical of everyone and everything. Any guy who makes eye contact will suffer a condescending gaze from hell. If you try to dance with her - her ego will eat you alive... or her boyfriend. Not sure which one is worse.
Too Cool for School
That huge MMA guy is this guy. Or he's some (?) sized guy who rides a motor cycle. He's cocky and he hates you if he doesn't know you and talks crap about you if he does. If he bumps into you he won't say sorry, cause he's too cool for school (hehe). What a baddass... And yes 90% of the time he's stupid and his character is as stiff as his hair gel.
Naked Chick
The naked chick isn't naked - she just might as well be though. Usually she's one of those bar dancers or something on break. She's always surrounded by men but she likes the attention cause she's "working". If she's not, she's usually the category above. For some reason they're either 6ft tall, or fat. Weird.
Lol a girl-friend of mine helped contribute to this one. If you look to the sides of the dance floor there's always multiple (if not an abundant amount) of guys just staring at girls. I mean if you think about it it's socially acceptable for a group of girls to dance with each other - and really homo for a group of straight men to dance with each other (unless they're in a cypher or something -__-). They just stare, and stare, and stare, and stare, and stare until the girl feels it and stares back. And within that stare back they decide if they can dance or not. I do not understand cause for some reason they think a stare back means "Yes, I know you've been staring at me come put your crotch on my butt." This guy came to score and so did his friends. (Un)fortunately, success is seldom. He <3 naked chick/drunken mess.
Drunken Mess
Both men and women. Girls - usually some sort of birthday/bachelorette party/depression/alcoholism. Their clothes are falling off and they'll dance/make out with anyone, anything. A sad sight to see indeed. The men are usually much more belligerent and obnoxious - both are prone to get into fights.
Of course there's many more - but honestly thinking about the people I ran into at the club scene - it's funny to see how most fit into some sort of category... especially the "owl"s =D.

haha. I definitely remember all this. I was the guy behind the bar watching all of these people.
hahaha doug cho. this is the post you told me you were gonna write. ahaha.
And which category do you fall into? I have only been to one and I don't fit in any of those categories - you forgot to write about the weirdos like me (the people who are wondering why am I in a club where I don't like the music and most of the people around me/am bored out of my mind?)
Doug let's not forget about the OOOO NAAHH girl. From the distance, she's an "OOOOO" ... and then you get close and she's a "NAAHHHH~~~~!!!"
Gotta love those Ooo Nah girls.
I just read the title of your blog and you mixed up the words. lol!
Who are you?
doug is the "clubrat," related to the "gymrat." He's the guy who goes to the club not to meet girls...but simply to dance. it doesn't matter with who or what gender. he dances so hard he works up a nasty sweat. he goes, he dances, he conquers.
That's funny, I didn't read your post until I posted mine and we both wrote/drew about clubbing.
You got a problem with the drunken mess? FUCK U LETS FIGHT
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