I had an interesting conversation with a friend about ex-girlfriends...I figured I'd share some of our "learning experiences".
Me personally, I don't think I had it TOO bad. I've been hearing a lot of horror of girls breaking TVs, computers, etc. Geez, way to be destructive you women out there.
I mean I was even cheated on but what really sticks out in my head was a girlfriend I had earlier in college. We had a lot of fun together. Countless nights of her going through all my facebook girl-friends and asking me if I thought they were pretty or not. Lol how do you win against that question? If you're honest immediate counter was
"DO YOU LIKE HER?! DO YOU LOVE HER?!" <= (I'm quoting)
and if you lie it's "OMG you're sucha liar (yes I am, but who's perfect) you totally think she is." and you would have to dodge that with "No~ I can see why other guys think she's pretty but she's just not my fit/type/style!" I mean jealousy is definitely something most couples have to deal with but this was pretty nuts. Facebook was a big problem. I would know when I would have a post on my wall from a female before I even looked. The wall had to go for a while. And then there was one incident when I wouldn't tell her my e-mail password so she got really mad and threw a tantrum... and then I told her.
And then she checked my mail. Blah.
There's so many stories it just goes to show you can never win being paranoid/jealous in a relationship. I know a guy who broke into his girlfriend's car so he could check her text messages. BUT DILEMMA!
1. So you find nothing - you're STILL unsatisfied.
2. You find something and you're like "OMG SO SHADY" now how do you confront her and tell her you broke into her car to check her phone?
If you come into posession of your partner's phone...it's just best not to look into it. Haha I once heard a story a girl left her phone at her boyfriend's place and then he went to her place to bring it back. And~ dialogue:
Her: Hey! Thanks for bringing my phone!
Him: (Slowly, low tone, menacingly) Who's ****? (Glare, slowly turn and walk away)
Her: But!
Him: (Not listening, put hand up y'know - cool backwards wave with fingers curled)
Y'see there's always a freakin' "but!". I mean to be honest - in my eyes the guy would've been so cool like in a drama had the situation been correct but when you look through texts...you fail to see that:
1. The reason texting occurred b/w said girl and **** in question was due to church events and these were mass texts. Such as "Foellinger Auditorium @ 630! Call if you need a ride!"
2. **** was actually said girl's church small group leader and text in question (Hey! 6pm for dinner?) was to meet up and pray.
I also had a really interesting refresh today at church (for a little tangent). I sat next to someone who was possibly involved in my life (He has the same name at least and kind of looks familiar?). This takes us back to girlfriend from earlier college:
So yeah our relationship was kind of dwindling to that "together but not together" sort of status. And she started hanging out with this guy - we'll call him G-Starred cause I don't feel like typing the ******'s. So yeah they started hanging out late at night consecutive days and she'd come back to the dorms and tell me about the board games and fun they had. After the 5th or 6th I don't even know date:
Me: You know he likes you right?
Her: (angry, again.) Ugh! How can you make that kind of judgment?! You've never met G-Starred. I think I would know a LITTLE better than you if he did or didn't. (scowl, scowl, scowl.) How would you even know?! (...scowl.)
Me: ...I'm a guy.
Her: (frustrated.) That doesn't mean ANYTHING!
Me: He likes you, I'm 100%.
Her: HE'S JUST NOT LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (FREAK OUT!)

(Kudos to you if you get the Freakazoid reference. I miss that cartoon =T)
Next day? At least a couple days later. In her mailbox came: Mini-rose in mini vase with mini card:

But I'm a good guy so I didn't gloat - just let it fly. I'm cool like that ;).
Omg, I gloated so hard we got into another fight. I always lost those.
So yeah if there were a lesson to wrap it all up.... tone down on the jealousy and the paranoia, it never works out. And I guess - don't gloat if you're right. Lol. But being right feels so good, HAHA =D