Thursday, August 26, 2010

My First Stand Up At Broadway Comedy Club in NYC

I say "thank you" when someone says "This guy's funny." lol

I got an invite to a bigger gig =) We'll see how it goes!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Taste of Taiwan

Taiwan was.... pretty crazy. Well - the parts I saw of it at least. I saw someone else post up their photos of Taiwan where they're riding through the countryside on a motorcycle and taste was definitely less artistic to say the least.

This is the market. I was basically walking through one of these day and night regardless of where I was. Chinese folks really are trying to sell you crap ALL THE FREAKIN TIME.

As for the food - it was great! A lot of good eating and fruity teas - I only had two gripes about food. They were:

The falcon claw. (It's a chicken's foot but they're bigger than you think -_-)

I really don't have a lot of gripes about food but just thinking about sucking the meat off the fingers off the claw just....ugh I can't do it. It's all mushy, slippery, and scaly at the same time. And then....

"Stinky Tofu"

So this is Taiwan's excuse for the country smelling bad. OMGGGGGG smells bad though - I mean you'd think if it smells like asshole you wouldn't eat it y'know? But apparently it was a "must have" so I had to try it. Was w/e. Severely overrated imo =T

I took a lot of random shots - like billboards with English spelled wrong and what not... Here are a couple funnies:

Police Station

YEAH!!!! POLICE STATION!!!! I'd think they'd want to be taken seriously. Animated heroes of Taiwan...

Hehehe "See-men" Station....hehehe

I thought it was interesting graffiti in Taiwan looked like graffiti in the states...and I still have no idea what it says.

So yeah those are some randoms.

The only reason I went is cause my good friend David was there and he told me it'd be a good time - and it was. EXCEPT FOR NOT UNDERSTANDING A WORD FOR 5 DAYS. SOOOoooo
the only Chinese word I could pick up is "thank you" and "korean" (Hong guo ran). It's a pretty damn distinct word and I'm the only Korean in like a 5 mile radius everywhere I go. So a lot of it would just be me standing there and smiling cause...that's what people do when you don't know what people are talking about - you stand there and smile like a dumbass. Conversations went like:

David: (china talk)
David's friend: haha (china talk) HONG GUO RAN (china talk)
::Both David and his friend look at me...
David and his friend both laugh::
Me: Hahaha. Yo - what you guys talking about?
David: Nothin.

You bitch David.

That's a pharmacy door he's standing next to. The door sign says "FATNESS IS A SICKNESS." Fatty.

Or so he tells me.