As for my trip through "Asia" (actually just Taiwan and Korea, hardly deserves to be called a trip through Asia just so much easier to type and sounds better... I think a 'trip through Asia' should be merited by a minimum of 3 or 4 countries.) I'm going to have to do a two part post. So this post will actually be about the happenings on my return.
So on my flight back...I must say it was quite hectic. Mostly because there was this baby that wouldn't stop crying unless his mom breast fed him so she was constantly popping him under the cover and I had the luxury to be next to them. It was a seat specially designed for women with children though and it was cool cause there was this wall with holes and they plug a bed into them much like this one:

So he gets to LIE DOWN the whole 14 hours we're flying. He was a relatively cute baby but OMG WTF WERE YOU COMPLAINING ABOUT YOU GET TO LOUNGE OUT THE WHOLE FLIGHT.
I'm not a very picky eater and the flight food on Asiana is pretty decent - so food wasn't an issue. Upon arriving it took quite a bit to get my luggage..I don't know why mine has a tendency to come out last. And with luggage coming out last it would seem that I was required to assist the most people. This one girl kept confusing her bag with these HUGE MONSTROSITIES of bags so I was busting my back taking em on and off. I mean, she said thank you. But I thought a $10 would have been more appropriate. Finally, I get through customs and I'm greeted with my mother and sister. Yay! It was sister had just toured through France and England so we were discussing everything and what not and then finally - they get honest with me:
Sister: Doug, you're sleeping you get to sleep in my room today.
Me: Why?
Sister: I'm going to be sleeping in your room with Mom. (As if she was doing a favor for me.)
(So my mom sleeps on the ground in my room, not in the master bedroom)
Me: Oh. Alrighty. Why's that?
Sister: Eh... it's nothing.
Me: Tell me.
Sister: Sooooooooooo - I've been getting all these little marks on my body when I've been sleeping on that bed and I think our house has bed bugs! (Like ooo let's get excited for bed bugs!) Mom doesn't want to get an exterminator so mom, dad, and I thoroughly cleaned it and vacuumed the mattress and if we have bed bugs you can usually see them but I couldn't. Mom thinks I'm just being crazy and I'm having an allergic reaction but I really think we have them so....
Me: .........So you want me to guinea pig for you and see if I get pwned in your bed.
Sister: ..Yup.
Mom: Don't worry. No bed bug. She's crazy.
And I mean this is not a small deal here...these bed bugs. A victim:

Seriously not cool.

So as of now. I sleep in her bed. Welcome home -_-. I'll get the trip highlights up as soon as possible!