Buncha things to talk about so straight to it
So looking back during my spring break I've realized I've developed a bad habit of pointing and laughing. I think I was doing it just to kid around with some people but the habit's REALLY sticking.

So... how do you know if a habit is sticking? I think a sure fire sign is when it just comes out and you think in your head..."Oh damn...can't believe I did that."
For example...
My friend came back for spring break and he gained some weight. Ok...not some he gained a lot lololol like his face got bloated. Right when I saw him I...
1. *High five!
2. "Long time no see!"
3. *Bro-hug!
4. *Look at him...*point HAHA DUDE YOU GOT SO FAT
Lol. It's a wonder there are multiple people wishing for my obesity.
But even more so than friends -
So when I get off the bus I have to cross an intersection to walk to my apartment complex. Usually it's a bunch of students walking together cause classes ended and what not. There was still some snow on a ground so we're all just walking through it and the girl in front of me walking...
1. *steps on something she didn't notice on ground
2. *looks down and observes that she just stepped on a dead goose buried in the snow (lol it's been there for a while)
3. *registers that she just stepped on a pretty big, dead bird.
4. *begins to cry hysterically
5. It is here I pointed and ROFL'd
Haha, I don't know why it was SO FUNNY. I guess just the whole process of watching that unfold... I think what was worse was I was kinda embarrassed so I walked by her really fast but I couldn't hold in my laughter so I'm walking past her laughing like a douche haha. Omg she gave me the most dirty stare. Actually a couple people did... "Oh damn...can't believe I did that." BUT SOMEONE LAUGHED WITH ME probably cause I lol'd. We'll see how this habit pans out I suppose.
More recently,
I've been going to the gym this past week and I think for school volleyball the girls were working out. I must say, some of them were pretty freakin' hot. But as I was running I overheard...
"Omg, fckin' perv I needs to stop staring at my ass."
"Ugh, I hate it when there's too many guys up here."
Understandable. Men are animals, staring at your buttocks. And when you're all bent over straining on weights all hot n' sweaty, it's just rude to stare. Oh yeah - this is what they looked like from behind:

Yah no shit someone's gonna stare you stupid chick. Might as well just spray paint your bare ass and go out running in public. Put some pants on if you're gonna complain...
Or don't cause it's HAWT, errr impedes performance. (srsly how does that crap help anyway -_-)